Monday, March 17, 2008


The vedic scholars and realized souls declared that the source of Aham ‘I’ is hridaya. What is the meaning of Hridaya? In the worldly sense it refers to the physical heart in a human body. But this is not what the term Hridaya signifies. Hridaya and "I" are one and the same,. The Sruthis gave the name Hridaya to "I". Where is this Hridaya? It is assumed that it is in the body . It follows that "I" is not part of the body. If you understand the whole world. "I" is in all beings. Everyone uses the expression "I" to identift himself or herself. This ‘I" is the omnipresent indwelling entity.When Hridaya is identified with "I" it is equally all -pervading. Hridaya is the source of the Divine qualities like love and compassion.
God is described as Hridayavasi(indweller of the heart). He is not ti ve restricted to temples and centres for pigrimage. He is in you, with you, above you , around you. You need not visit variouse centres on pilgrimage. YOur heart is the place for pilgrimage. Your heart is the place for pilgrimage. Meera also echoed the same feelings. When he husband asked her to leave the temple premises, she prayed to Krishna, " None can separate you from me. My heart is your temple. In the Gita , Lord Krishna declared Kshetrajnamchapi Maam Viddhi(recogize Me as the indweller of all beings). The body is the field and the Tmic principle is the indweller of that field. So, the Kshetra (field) and Kshetrajna (Knower of the field) are within you. Bliss is not present in a foreign land; it is present within you. In order to experience bliss, develop love in your heart. You should pray to God to grant you that which He possesses and you do not. What is it that lack? Peace and bliss. Ask and ity shall be granted. Do not ask God for the fulfillment of mean desires. All the worldly things are fleeting and momentary. God has only one head office. That is the heart. All other places like "Kailasa" "Vaikunda" etc, are only branch offices. Krishna didnot present Himself immediately in front of Droupadi when she prayed to HIm in her hour of plight. She called the Lord"Dwaraka vasi" ( dweller of Dwarka ) Madhurpurivasi (dweller of the city of Madhura) etc. But Krishna didnot appear. Totally tired she at last called "Hridaya " vasi" (dweller of the heart ) and Krishna appeared immediately and came to her rescue. Many days later Droupadi asked Krishna "Oh brother! Why did you not come to me in my hour humilitation when I called out to You?"
To this Krishna replied, "You addressed Me as Dwarakavasi. Since I am duty bound to prove the truth of My devotees’ words I had to go to Dwaraka and come back all the way. But I presented Myself in front of you as soon as you called Me Hridaya vasi.
This incident substantiates the fact that the Lord is the resident of the heart. The Lord is nearer to you that your parents, friends kith and kin. True worship consists of heart felt devotion to the God. residing in one’s own heart(indweller) Purifying this temple of your heart you must dedicate your life to service. It is such dedicated service, sone in the spirit of "Sadhana" , that distinguishes the Sathy Sai Organisations. from other spiritual organizations . Innmerable Sai devotees -men and women , young and old are rendering service in various forms out of their love for Sai. People talk about Swaami’s vibhuthi (sacred ash) and Swami’s miracles. But, the real miracle is Swami’s boundless love. It is this love which is inspiring countless devotees to engage themselves in selfless service.

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