Saturday, February 16, 2008


A devotee was born From my child hood I was against Krishna. I think he made others to fight at the Kurukshetra. No one told me that But I thought so. I was with the Kauravas. I thought that Krishna had to forgive them since he was God. When I grown up that Krishna made me his strong disciple. From the age of 23 I was following him. My every day visit to Sreekrishna Temple was my courage to face the storms in my life. In my mind I have a name for My son. Kannan(Vishnu). The name of the person was a very much attraction to me to marry Kannan(Harish). Also he was from the place which was very familiar to me through the songs I heard from Sree Krishna temple. Thus again Krishna made me his slave .He was father, friend God and everything to me.
This was the opinion about God at that age. Then the opinion about Sai,Amma and others was not to tell.At first Amma came to my life. when I was carrying she told me some important thing and it became true. After that I understood that some power in their words, actions and started reading their books which made me new person. Through reading I got the idea of "service" but the circumstances were not supportive. But when entered into Sai Family I got many opportunities to serve people. Though the small child prevent me reach the place in time I am serving Swami in my own ability. Swami helped me in that. My husband was in co-operative with me in doing Swami’s work.Now I can face anything with equality.

Now when people saw me they will ask "you do not have any other job" I will not be raised because I can see me in their position. I know very well that me will change their opinion.
The first bhajan at my home It happened in Oct 25,2006 I can remember the day clearly as yesterday. A person came to my house and told us about a ‘Bhajan’ which is going on at our place. He told he was from Sathya Sai Seva SAmithi. At first my husband hesitated. My mind was with the ‘Bhajan" because at that time days are very bitter and hard to me. Many problems disturbed me very much. So I stand for the function I was impatiently waiting for the day. He always stand against my opinion and asked me to postpone the function. After much struggle"that happened" -the first Bhajan at my house. After that no one came and I was fighting with dirt at my kitchen. After one month some one told me Swami’s b’day falls on November and give food packets for the disabled. Again I became silent. 
My second Entry. On April 2007 I was told about a Bhajan near my house. I attend it and the class conducted on Sunday. The topic was Karma yogam though the topic was not new since I was fighting with that particular topic of Gita at my home, I was very much impressed on the class.One day my neighbour asked me whether we are going to Puttaparthi. Since my family was against this way of life. I set aside the question.
The seed placed on the mind Then came the Sakthiswarupinini celebration-districtwise. All the person who took the mike was telling the Onam visit to Puttaparthi. One told that if you have a strong will, Swami will took you there. As an experiment I put the seed in mind -As days passed, the experiment became a prayer to see Him. By the end of July all my companions booked for the journey.
The arrangements by Swami At that day one devotee presented me "Sai Darshan"teachings of Swami by Seema.M.Dewan. I took the book with increased heart rate that was my last hope. On the page Sai told me you must make any arrangements for your visit-Page no 249.

In your journey to travel from you to Me,
You need not pack your bags.
In fact, leave all your baggage behind.
You need not make any arrangements.
I have made them long ago.
You do not need a travel companion.
I travel with you always.
You do not need to pay mein cash.
Your payment is in currency of faith and patience.
Duty with love.
Service with humility.
A pure heart with My name.
Your payments are not up front.
You give them to Me along the way.
Finish your payments, and end your loan.
Break your hesitation and start your journey.

After reading I became an active member..Went for publication work. Grama Seva. etc without the permission of my husband. With God’ s grace no one told my visit to him. Every day I took the book and repeated the lines. Due to the peculiarity of our job we can start on Sunday only. All the pilgrims reached Parthi. I was here praying for the last miracle. But on Wednesday My husband told me we can go to Railway booking centre and check the reservation. I was shocked with his opininon. At that day from 12-4 O’ clock we were searching for a vehicle to reach Parthi. Since it was the Onam holiday and also a Sunday the buses were booked early. But My swami had made the arrangements early. We got two seats on Chennai Transport service.
Thus the first hurdle was over
The first hurdle was over. While going on with my packing there came the shocking news of the Bomb blast at Hyderabad. I took the Indian Map and found there is a long distance between Parthi and Hyderabad. He told me we can spend the holidays at bangalore. At my teens I liked the place. But that conjusted atmosphere and traffic blocks made me hate the place now. Now-a-days I like calm and loneliness. Any way the next day after noon we started for Parthi, after getting the message from my neighbour.
A travel companion It was our first visit to a distant place with child. Some tension was there. But all was over suddenly. At the busstand we met an old friend of my husband. They didn’t met for these many years. He had postponed his journey due to some reasons on his office. Thus both of us got company for the long journey. The journey was very boring, I tried to concentrate my mind on Swami. But I couldn’t. 
Arrangements at Parthi There Swami was doing arrangements to receive us. Due to the death of a devotee the Onam Programmes were decided to perform in the evening.
At 4’O clock at Sunday evening we reached there. When the bus take deviation to Puttaparthi a positive energy entered to my mind and body. In Gita Krishna tells us do your work as "Yanja", and keep your work places as Temples. Yes Swami’s
schools colleges Hospitals etc were Temples.Yes Swami’s schools colleges Hospitals etc were Temples. When I reached near the hotel our neighbour has booked a room for us. We enterd there and took the bath and dressed immediately.
My First meeting with Swami At the Sai Kulwant hall I got a seat on the back row. But after sometime people sit closely and moved little forward from where Baba looked as a red dot. I was very much disappointed since I think that I will be in the front row and Baba will bless me. After the Onam programs the Bhajan began. The first one was "Sai Sajanana Deenavana........." We are a going to a new centre this bhajan was sung by the children often. Tears rolled out which I can’ t controlled among the mass of devotees. My kerchief helped me a lot. Which was on my face till the end of first bhajan. I looked around same was the reaction of most of the devotees. The new comers are trying to wipe their face. When I was there my blessings were remembered and I was thankful to my dear Baba to call me at this early time on his temple. I know we must not put our request before God, only put prayers before him. I was a human being and my life is not a bed of red roses, I can’t sit without putting my "nivedaana." I asked Swami to help me overcome all my problems with his guidance.
Visit on the next day
The next day I woke up at 4o’clock. After my bath I woke my child. Since we are away from home she could not sleep well. She sat with eyes closed I took her and went for Omkar Suprabhatham . Since I have small child I was not allowed to enter in. I didnot know the things.
I stood in the darshan queue.There i was on the fifth postion. I think today Swami blessed to see him closely. As the tken taken our row got 2. We got seat near Swami’s entrance. There we sat for 9 O’clock. But he did not came. My child made friendship with the people near her. She started her bhajan. But swami didn’t blessed us. After bhajan we went to see Sathy Sai museum. When I saw Swmi’s quotes pictures etc I was very much depressed that Baba is among us with his mission from these 82 years. But I met him on this last moment. Yes there is time for anything. Then I thought I was blessed by swami to meet him now.
The third and last visit Today I am leaving Parthy. I can’t imagine that. I went inside for Darshan. Kannan told me to left the place at 8.30. So after some time I went out with tears. When I reached the room he was not returned. He came after Darshan. Thus I lost the Darshan. Due to some trail of Police our Bus started after 11 O’ clock. The trial was another crushing incident. Since we didnot know it was a trial, we frightened very much. We thought we will not see the native place again. All the passengers were chanting Sai Ram, Sai Ram. Again swami blessed us with his SaiLeela.
. Experience of Kannan(My husband) After our visit at our room I asked Kannan what was his experience He told me that he was also crying and all his problems were solved. We have celebrated 5 anniversaries upto that time. From the very next day to these five years he was telling I have many problems on my mind which I can’t explain in words.
I have to cry in front of someone. But his ego didnot allow him till then. But it took place in front of Swami.

Blessings after visit Our problems were not fully solved. But there is some courage some postitive energy on our body which help us to solve many of them. After my visit I have to tell others that I am not telling Swami is God. But he has a power to make others calm,to control the storms in their mind. There will be many things which crush our minds. But he will inform us in advance about it. He will prepare us to face it.He is actually "Sai Ma for me". From that day I am eagerly witing for the next Onam holidays.
Swami fed me like my dear mother
I would like to write my experience that Swami blessed me with the Birthday meals. It was the Birthday in 2008. I was carrying and was not able travel and lost the birthday ce3lbraions. I was very sad not to attend the function. But in the night Swamy came he collected Rs12.25 and gave me the birhtday dish and was there with me to complete the same. Now this birthday time my baby is 11 months. He is very much interested in Swamy's bhajans. Very happy to play the dolak. His Name is “SAI DARSHAN”-which book is a soothing for all my sorrows.This is the blessing given by Swamy. Swamy plz continue to guide and light the lamp on my way.

Swamy's miracles in my life
I was very much confused when others say" mala valarnu" I think the thread will loose when we place a mala for two three days. But swamy proved me that it is not the case. Once I went for a Shibiram relating to youth programme. After many speech as conclusion a sai youth started about Grama Seva. As he continued the "mala" at the photo was dancing and it reached swamy's feet. from half of his photo. It was a full size photo. I think it will break. But it was not happened. There was not change in the thickness also. It was unique everywhere. Thus swamy answered my doubt. Also this shows that Swamy loves grama seva very much and given the name VIP-Village Integration Programme.
He continues the miracles
That was Jan 29,2009. I have to see my gynac. after the birth if my son the 45th day. On the previous day I forgot to purchase a nappy for my son. In the night I remembered the thing. But was too late after 8pm a devotee came to my home to see the new born. She was returned from parthi after jan.Service. When I opened the packet, I was astonished. There were three dresses and one packet of nappy for baby. The things were kept inside the cover of Shopping Centre.I am sure the things were send by swamy for my child in that night.
One of my close friend was addicted to drinks. On my visit to parthi I took him with me. He was not ready to join us. But at last swamy made him to join. After his visit he tells me I have a lot of tears in my mind as treasure. In Sai Kulwant hall I showered those tears without any control. My mind is now free. I will not touch the drinks any more. After that First Darshan swamy made him a new man. Now two years completed , when reaches near the drinks or the person with that foul smell he feels vomitting. Thus swamy saved My friend and that family.
Jai bolo Bhagavan Sathya Sai Babaji ko.
Last time(Onam Visit) I took another friend of mine who was suffering with loneliness after her separation with the person she was committed. This time she joined with us and after reaching home swamy gave her a new life. Now my friend is married to an understanding, caring fellow. The family members are also very sweet. All the arrangements were done by swamy in advance.

Yes, Swamy can do any thing.
I can say only Jai sai Ram
After my delivery when 45 days completed there was pain in my stomach. I visited the hospital with my new born in my home(sleeping). I was very sad for not taking him with me bcoz there will be a large number of patients for consulting. As I have not taken the appointment I will be the last one. With this worry in mind I approached the counter, But my op card was kept aside after calling once. As told earlier I have not taken appointment, but how this happened, I was astonished. What to say!!!!!!!! when I reached there I was simply called inside and get cured immediately. When I reached home my baby is at sound sleep.
This is the blessings of my beloved swamy
During my last visit to Parthi we recd only seat in waiting list and the Number was 132-135. we were in a dilemma to start our journey since my baby is so small. We trusted our swamy and started our journey. On the day of departure the number was reduced to 80-83.On our return journey when we reached b'lore the number was 32-35. In the evening the number didnot change. When the clock struck 8pm (the train time is 10 pm) the numbers were in the confirmed list. So start our journey and give the rest to swamy. He will keep his promise.
Jai Sai Ram 


On 31st  Jan. there was a gettogether arranged by Resi. assoc. My girl and husbamd went for that. As my mother-in-law was on bed I was not able to attend the meeting. After 7 O'clock a relative--53yrs came. When he came since mother-in-law was sleeping from the morning, and others are absent he was not ready to leave the place. Then he asked me to give him a glass of water. He followed me to the kitchen also, I was little bit nervous. He was not ready to leave after one hour. As he was a relative I can't raise my voice, I prayed to swamy to show me  a way. Then I approached mother and called out her, to my great surprise she opened her eyes, and I helped her to get up. Seeing this the relavie flew away. This incident made my belief in swamy increased

Swamy gave him punishment.
After this incident swamy transferred him to Bangalore, He fell down with fever for three days.

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