Monday, March 24, 2008


Aum Sri SAi Ram

Gramotsav on 23rd March 2008

The preparations for Gramotsav was done early. We visited the place and the number of villagers were taken. Then did the house visit to arrange food for them. As we approached people all of them committed different items with pleasure. Five cmmittee was formed and the duties was devided to them. Each one take as a challenge and worked well to make the ceremony a grand one. We had decided to give idly, sambar, banana laddu and payazam for them

We strarted at 08.45am on 23rd. We are 12 numbers of people on the santro. When we get down we were frightened that things taken with us will be for us not for the villagers. When we got down Mr. Sreekantan(service in charge) was on duty. He was arranging the stage, and the seating tc.

After placing the things we went out to invite the children. Since it was raining continuously they got up at that time only. Our visit remind me some school Managers who are trying to complete the attendance to avoid the division fall.

To our great surprise all of them reached with in no time. It was a surprise because they had hided behind heir mother when we approached them one year ago. The children were devided into five groups and named as Sathyam, Dharmam, Premam, Santi and Ahimsa. A group leader was decided to lead each group. A topic was given to them asked them to perform a small skit lasting for 10 minutes. They had given 30 minutes to prepare the same.

After 45 minutes they are called. With in that period they found a story and performed it very well. The premam group got the first prize. They had utilized the full time and conveyed the message. We were not trying to lift or down any one. The range of the ages of children was from 3 to 15. It was only an attempt to find their capability. Prizes were given to all those who participated.

After anouncement of prize we had our breakfast with the villagers. They were the guests and we were the host. It was a nice program. A meeting was called where the jpint convenor was the chief. The EHV in charge saluted the gathering. The ward member showered blessings and given the prizes. The youth in charge(mahila) was done the conclusion and meeting was dispersed at 12.30.

With the blessings of Swami the function was grand and the co- ordination was very nice. All the committee was performed well and the co-operation was beautiful. We can saw the blessings of Swami every where. There was more than enough food. All was due to the blessings of Swami.

Jai Sai Ram

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