Saturday, February 16, 2008


A devotee was born From my child hood I was against Krishna. I think he made others to fight at the Kurukshetra. No one told me that But I thought so. I was with the Kauravas. I thought that Krishna had to forgive them since he was God. When I grown up that Krishna made me his strong disciple. From the age of 23 I was following him. My every day visit to Sreekrishna Temple was my courage to face the storms in my life. In my mind I have a name for My son. Kannan(Vishnu). The name of the person was a very much attraction to me to marry Kannan(Harish). Also he was from the place which was very familiar to me through the songs I heard from Sree Krishna temple. Thus again Krishna made me his slave .He was father, friend God and everything to me.
This was the opinion about God at that age. Then the opinion about Sai,Amma and others was not to tell.At first Amma came to my life. when I was carrying she told me some important thing and it became true. After that I understood that some power in their words, actions and started reading their books which made me new person. Through reading I got the idea of "service" but the circumstances were not supportive. But when entered into Sai Family I got many opportunities to serve people. Though the small child prevent me reach the place in time I am serving Swami in my own ability. Swami helped me in that. My husband was in co-operative with me in doing Swami’s work.Now I can face anything with equality.

Now when people saw me they will ask "you do not have any other job" I will not be raised because I can see me in their position. I know very well that me will change their opinion.
The first bhajan at my home It happened in Oct 25,2006 I can remember the day clearly as yesterday. A person came to my house and told us about a ‘Bhajan’ which is going on at our place. He told he was from Sathya Sai Seva SAmithi. At first my husband hesitated. My mind was with the ‘Bhajan" because at that time days are very bitter and hard to me. Many problems disturbed me very much. So I stand for the function I was impatiently waiting for the day. He always stand against my opinion and asked me to postpone the function. After much struggle"that happened" -the first Bhajan at my house. After that no one came and I was fighting with dirt at my kitchen. After one month some one told me Swami’s b’day falls on November and give food packets for the disabled. Again I became silent. 
My second Entry. On April 2007 I was told about a Bhajan near my house. I attend it and the class conducted on Sunday. The topic was Karma yogam though the topic was not new since I was fighting with that particular topic of Gita at my home, I was very much impressed on the class.One day my neighbour asked me whether we are going to Puttaparthi. Since my family was against this way of life. I set aside the question.
The seed placed on the mind Then came the Sakthiswarupinini celebration-districtwise. All the person who took the mike was telling the Onam visit to Puttaparthi. One told that if you have a strong will, Swami will took you there. As an experiment I put the seed in mind -As days passed, the experiment became a prayer to see Him. By the end of July all my companions booked for the journey.
The arrangements by Swami At that day one devotee presented me "Sai Darshan"teachings of Swami by Seema.M.Dewan. I took the book with increased heart rate that was my last hope. On the page Sai told me you must make any arrangements for your visit-Page no 249.

In your journey to travel from you to Me,
You need not pack your bags.
In fact, leave all your baggage behind.
You need not make any arrangements.
I have made them long ago.
You do not need a travel companion.
I travel with you always.
You do not need to pay mein cash.
Your payment is in currency of faith and patience.
Duty with love.
Service with humility.
A pure heart with My name.
Your payments are not up front.
You give them to Me along the way.
Finish your payments, and end your loan.
Break your hesitation and start your journey.

After reading I became an active member..Went for publication work. Grama Seva. etc without the permission of my husband. With God’ s grace no one told my visit to him. Every day I took the book and repeated the lines. Due to the peculiarity of our job we can start on Sunday only. All the pilgrims reached Parthi. I was here praying for the last miracle. But on Wednesday My husband told me we can go to Railway booking centre and check the reservation. I was shocked with his opininon. At that day from 12-4 O’ clock we were searching for a vehicle to reach Parthi. Since it was the Onam holiday and also a Sunday the buses were booked early. But My swami had made the arrangements early. We got two seats on Chennai Transport service.
Thus the first hurdle was over
The first hurdle was over. While going on with my packing there came the shocking news of the Bomb blast at Hyderabad. I took the Indian Map and found there is a long distance between Parthi and Hyderabad. He told me we can spend the holidays at bangalore. At my teens I liked the place. But that conjusted atmosphere and traffic blocks made me hate the place now. Now-a-days I like calm and loneliness. Any way the next day after noon we started for Parthi, after getting the message from my neighbour.
A travel companion It was our first visit to a distant place with child. Some tension was there. But all was over suddenly. At the busstand we met an old friend of my husband. They didn’t met for these many years. He had postponed his journey due to some reasons on his office. Thus both of us got company for the long journey. The journey was very boring, I tried to concentrate my mind on Swami. But I couldn’t. 
Arrangements at Parthi There Swami was doing arrangements to receive us. Due to the death of a devotee the Onam Programmes were decided to perform in the evening.
At 4’O clock at Sunday evening we reached there. When the bus take deviation to Puttaparthi a positive energy entered to my mind and body. In Gita Krishna tells us do your work as "Yanja", and keep your work places as Temples. Yes Swami’s
schools colleges Hospitals etc were Temples.Yes Swami’s schools colleges Hospitals etc were Temples. When I reached near the hotel our neighbour has booked a room for us. We enterd there and took the bath and dressed immediately.
My First meeting with Swami At the Sai Kulwant hall I got a seat on the back row. But after sometime people sit closely and moved little forward from where Baba looked as a red dot. I was very much disappointed since I think that I will be in the front row and Baba will bless me. After the Onam programs the Bhajan began. The first one was "Sai Sajanana Deenavana........." We are a going to a new centre this bhajan was sung by the children often. Tears rolled out which I can’ t controlled among the mass of devotees. My kerchief helped me a lot. Which was on my face till the end of first bhajan. I looked around same was the reaction of most of the devotees. The new comers are trying to wipe their face. When I was there my blessings were remembered and I was thankful to my dear Baba to call me at this early time on his temple. I know we must not put our request before God, only put prayers before him. I was a human being and my life is not a bed of red roses, I can’t sit without putting my "nivedaana." I asked Swami to help me overcome all my problems with his guidance.
Visit on the next day
The next day I woke up at 4o’clock. After my bath I woke my child. Since we are away from home she could not sleep well. She sat with eyes closed I took her and went for Omkar Suprabhatham . Since I have small child I was not allowed to enter in. I didnot know the things.
I stood in the darshan queue.There i was on the fifth postion. I think today Swami blessed to see him closely. As the tken taken our row got 2. We got seat near Swami’s entrance. There we sat for 9 O’clock. But he did not came. My child made friendship with the people near her. She started her bhajan. But swami didn’t blessed us. After bhajan we went to see Sathy Sai museum. When I saw Swmi’s quotes pictures etc I was very much depressed that Baba is among us with his mission from these 82 years. But I met him on this last moment. Yes there is time for anything. Then I thought I was blessed by swami to meet him now.
The third and last visit Today I am leaving Parthy. I can’t imagine that. I went inside for Darshan. Kannan told me to left the place at 8.30. So after some time I went out with tears. When I reached the room he was not returned. He came after Darshan. Thus I lost the Darshan. Due to some trail of Police our Bus started after 11 O’ clock. The trial was another crushing incident. Since we didnot know it was a trial, we frightened very much. We thought we will not see the native place again. All the passengers were chanting Sai Ram, Sai Ram. Again swami blessed us with his SaiLeela.
. Experience of Kannan(My husband) After our visit at our room I asked Kannan what was his experience He told me that he was also crying and all his problems were solved. We have celebrated 5 anniversaries upto that time. From the very next day to these five years he was telling I have many problems on my mind which I can’t explain in words.
I have to cry in front of someone. But his ego didnot allow him till then. But it took place in front of Swami.

Blessings after visit Our problems were not fully solved. But there is some courage some postitive energy on our body which help us to solve many of them. After my visit I have to tell others that I am not telling Swami is God. But he has a power to make others calm,to control the storms in their mind. There will be many things which crush our minds. But he will inform us in advance about it. He will prepare us to face it.He is actually "Sai Ma for me". From that day I am eagerly witing for the next Onam holidays.
Swami fed me like my dear mother
I would like to write my experience that Swami blessed me with the Birthday meals. It was the Birthday in 2008. I was carrying and was not able travel and lost the birthday ce3lbraions. I was very sad not to attend the function. But in the night Swamy came he collected Rs12.25 and gave me the birhtday dish and was there with me to complete the same. Now this birthday time my baby is 11 months. He is very much interested in Swamy's bhajans. Very happy to play the dolak. His Name is “SAI DARSHAN”-which book is a soothing for all my sorrows.This is the blessing given by Swamy. Swamy plz continue to guide and light the lamp on my way.

Swamy's miracles in my life
I was very much confused when others say" mala valarnu" I think the thread will loose when we place a mala for two three days. But swamy proved me that it is not the case. Once I went for a Shibiram relating to youth programme. After many speech as conclusion a sai youth started about Grama Seva. As he continued the "mala" at the photo was dancing and it reached swamy's feet. from half of his photo. It was a full size photo. I think it will break. But it was not happened. There was not change in the thickness also. It was unique everywhere. Thus swamy answered my doubt. Also this shows that Swamy loves grama seva very much and given the name VIP-Village Integration Programme.
He continues the miracles
That was Jan 29,2009. I have to see my gynac. after the birth if my son the 45th day. On the previous day I forgot to purchase a nappy for my son. In the night I remembered the thing. But was too late after 8pm a devotee came to my home to see the new born. She was returned from parthi after jan.Service. When I opened the packet, I was astonished. There were three dresses and one packet of nappy for baby. The things were kept inside the cover of Shopping Centre.I am sure the things were send by swamy for my child in that night.
One of my close friend was addicted to drinks. On my visit to parthi I took him with me. He was not ready to join us. But at last swamy made him to join. After his visit he tells me I have a lot of tears in my mind as treasure. In Sai Kulwant hall I showered those tears without any control. My mind is now free. I will not touch the drinks any more. After that First Darshan swamy made him a new man. Now two years completed , when reaches near the drinks or the person with that foul smell he feels vomitting. Thus swamy saved My friend and that family.
Jai bolo Bhagavan Sathya Sai Babaji ko.
Last time(Onam Visit) I took another friend of mine who was suffering with loneliness after her separation with the person she was committed. This time she joined with us and after reaching home swamy gave her a new life. Now my friend is married to an understanding, caring fellow. The family members are also very sweet. All the arrangements were done by swamy in advance.

Yes, Swamy can do any thing.
I can say only Jai sai Ram
After my delivery when 45 days completed there was pain in my stomach. I visited the hospital with my new born in my home(sleeping). I was very sad for not taking him with me bcoz there will be a large number of patients for consulting. As I have not taken the appointment I will be the last one. With this worry in mind I approached the counter, But my op card was kept aside after calling once. As told earlier I have not taken appointment, but how this happened, I was astonished. What to say!!!!!!!! when I reached there I was simply called inside and get cured immediately. When I reached home my baby is at sound sleep.
This is the blessings of my beloved swamy
During my last visit to Parthi we recd only seat in waiting list and the Number was 132-135. we were in a dilemma to start our journey since my baby is so small. We trusted our swamy and started our journey. On the day of departure the number was reduced to 80-83.On our return journey when we reached b'lore the number was 32-35. In the evening the number didnot change. When the clock struck 8pm (the train time is 10 pm) the numbers were in the confirmed list. So start our journey and give the rest to swamy. He will keep his promise.
Jai Sai Ram 


On 31st  Jan. there was a gettogether arranged by Resi. assoc. My girl and husbamd went for that. As my mother-in-law was on bed I was not able to attend the meeting. After 7 O'clock a relative--53yrs came. When he came since mother-in-law was sleeping from the morning, and others are absent he was not ready to leave the place. Then he asked me to give him a glass of water. He followed me to the kitchen also, I was little bit nervous. He was not ready to leave after one hour. As he was a relative I can't raise my voice, I prayed to swamy to show me  a way. Then I approached mother and called out her, to my great surprise she opened her eyes, and I helped her to get up. Seeing this the relavie flew away. This incident made my belief in swamy increased

Swamy gave him punishment.
After this incident swamy transferred him to Bangalore, He fell down with fever for three days.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Sai Darshan-1.1
I have come to answer all your questions.
All will be answered at the right time.
When the time is right
The event itself will be your answer.
Look at this window.
It shows dau as day and night as night.
You cannot make night dau and day night.

So pull up that blind.
I have come to help you to do that.
I will show you day as day and night as night.
You work in the daytime and sleep at night.
You cannot sleep in the daytime and work at night.
Every thing is done when the time is right.

Sai Darshan-1.2
The rose plant can be compared to life.
Full of thorns?
Roses are divine love.
Its beauty and fragrance are both divine.
Thorns are nothing but ego.
Look, even if one small thorn enters your foot.
It hurts.
Ego hurts. Love does not.
Ego is not your true nature.
Be a gardner.
Cultivate your very own rose plant with love.
Pour pure water over it to grow.
When the roses bloom, offer all of them at my feet.
I will accept all that you give with true love.
It is our love for each other, That connects you and Me.
Love is not to keep, but to give.
So give, give, give and take back loadfuls.

Sai Darshan1.3.
Meditation is forgetting yourself.
And becoming Myself.
I am nothing but pure love.
Fill every cell of yours with My love .
And feel My bliss enter.
To realise you as Me is true meditation.
Learn to give love!
Do good!
Close your eyes,
And hear My words of encouragement
When you do good.
This is nothing but the beginning of
My communication with you.
Strengthen this communicatoon with Me,
Through your good actions.
This in turn will give you peace.
When your mind is calm and heart is full of love,
Your meditation will be automatic

Sai Darshan1.4.
It is your bond of marriage that will take My form.

Sai Darshan1.5.
Look for My feet.
I leave My footprints always.
I have paved the road.
Just follow My footprints
And you will reach home.

Sai Darshan1.6
Think no thoughts but those of Mine.
Say no words but those of Mine.
See no other than forms of Mine.
Give love to all, as they are all Mine.

Sai Darshan1.7
For ages I have nurtured
Loved and brought you up.
My biggest need of all is to love you.
Your ignorance of your true nature.
Forces you to be an orphan
Even though I, your mother and father, stand right beside you.
You seem to choose this ignorance.
But your suffering has become My suffering now.
I have come to unfold your blindfold
To remove this ignorance
which seems to be your blanket of security.
I have come to offer you a new warmth,
A new and true security your true nature seeks.
My arms around you for your warmth,
And My love for you forever and ever

Sai Darshan1.8
Do not waste your life in making arrangements.
For they have already been made.
Use that time wisely instead to do prayers.
And seeking Me in all, in every living form,
Only have faith in my arrangements
And know that I am present
At all times everywhere.
All you have to do is to ask for my help.
I require no time to travel.
My presence is certain any where,
Where I am sincerely thought of.
In fact, your thought of Me, and My presence
Are Instantaneous.

Sai Darshan1.9
If there is to be any death,
It must be those of your desires.
I have tajen a mortak form,
To make you realize that you are eternal.

Sai Darshan1.10
Your whole focus must be to please Me.
Once you please Me
You automatically please everyone.

Sai Darshan1.11
Life can be compared ti sleep.
You close your eyes and prefer to be in darkness.
Thinking it to be a restful phase.
The dreams are nothing but your life events.
Which you seej so attached to.
Sunrise can be compared to death.
The light steans in
Your eyes open.
The dream new
And reality sets in.
The dreams now appear unreal to you.
When I say "death"
I mean the death of your senses of desires.
This is the death of the "I"
The I that separates you from me
I have come to stop you from sleeping.
To expose the untrue nature of your dreams
Right outside your window,
So that these sun rays stream on your face,
To force you to open your eyes earlier .
It is only in this true light,

The cleansing of your soul
Sai Darshan1.12
Can be compared to your daily bath.
The effort to keep yourself clean,
Is nothing but your spiritual sadhana.
The soap and dirt mixture
Can be compared to your desires or vasanas.
And the pure water
To wash off your desires or vasanas,
Is nothing but My grace, which I pour upon you,
When I see sincere effort in your spiritual quest

Sai Darshan1.13
To be a good mother and teacher,
You must be a good student.
Mere teaching without following is not impressive.
To be a teacher you have to be a degree holder.
You cannot be merely handing out degrees.
A student is a mould of his mother and teacher.
To read and marvel at My teachings
Is not what I want.
I look for sincere effort
To put these teachings into practice.
So to be a good teacher,
You must be a food studrnt for life.
This is constant struggle.
But at least let Me see you trying to struggle.
Get off your wheelchair and try to walk a few steps,
And I will carry you the rest of the way.

Sai Darshan1.14
I love to reside in your heart
Once I enter it, tie Me with
Threads of your faith and love.
Make me a prisoner in your heart.
Once you have imprisoned Me with your love.
It becomes My duty to refuel your heart
With divine love
And keep it warm and aglow.
Think all your thoughts with your heart,
Speak all your words
That come truly from your heart,
And carry out all your actions
Prompted by the heart,
For I reside in it.
Once I have lodged Myself in your heart,
Your heart itself becomes but My own voice,
Prompting your welfare at all times.
So keep the doors of your heart open at all times.
You never know when I may step in
And when I do,
Bolt the doors and imprison Me
Do not let Me go ever!

Sai Darshan1.15
Look at Me closely.
Go beyond the form of the body and look within.
Look within deep and you will see,
That I am nothing but your own reflection

Sai Darshan1.16
I have come to bless,
I have come to give.
There is no other purpose of My existence today.
Give me All your anxieties and troubles
And take from Me peace.
For how long will you lose your identity?
Come, find Me,
And find Yourself.

Sai Darshan1.17
Come to me as an innocent newborn child.
Accept Me truly as your mother.
Bring with you purity and sincerity
To learn from Me
I in turn will teach you of life,
A life beyond,
In which you and I travel together
Towards a light,
In which you and I merge as One.

Sai Darshan1.18
All these years I have taken different forms of love for you.
As a child I nurtured you
As a loving mother and father
As you grew
I took the form of your brother and sister,
And taught you to live,share and love others.
When you became a young lady,
I became your life partner,
To love and protect you.
To add a rainbow in your life,
I gave you two beautiful sons to love and adore,
And learn selfless love.
But today, I stand in front of you in My true form.
Your Baba stands in front of you,
To offer you the most divine form of love
You have ever experienced or known.

This love has been with you,
All through different births
And continues.
Come accept My love and free yourself,
From the agony of this limited love
You have experienced till now.
My love is limitless like the sea,
Bright and colorful as the rainbow,
A love that gives grows,
And expects nothing in return

Sai Darshan1.19
Why do you restrict Me to one room of the house
Every room must be "Baba’s room"
Surround yourself with Me
Obsess about Me.
Create a Baba madness in your life.
Believe Me, this madness I encourage most of all.
You are sitting in a chariot
Whose reins I have total control of.
Your only duty is to have complete faith in Me.
To get you to your destination.
Do not try to instruct Me how to hold the reins
Or take them from Me.
It will lead only for you to have an accidemt.
And get disabled for a certain period.,
Or get lost in your journey.
I have taken pity on you and cme to save you.
Just sit back and enjoy the journey

Sai Darshan1.20
Do not worry.
If others do not take the road you take
Too many cafs on on street cause a traffic jam.
If you have to worry, worry as to
How many miles You have traveled to reach Me
Or even if you have started the journey yet?
Worry as to how many more painful births
You have to take
Swami stands in front of  you with a map
It has a lot of rest stops,
And everything is taken care of,
Slowly but surely
One day you will reach Me

Sai Darshan1.21
Do not dwell as to what has happened in the past,
And worry about the future.
Concentrate on the present and dedicate it to the Me.
With such constant spiritual sadhana,
Your past karmas get negated
Or lessened with My grace,
And the future is automatically taken care of.
The present moment, every second, every minute
Is filled with Me communicating with you.
Accept Me whople heartedly as your present .
Work hard!
Putting your whole undivided attention
To the present,
Gives you wonderful memories of your past,
And anticipation for a peaceful future

Sai Darshan1.22
I respond to any form you love or find Me in.
I do not discriminate.
Come to find Me
Through whichever form you love most.
And you will see Me.
I am present
In each and every atom of this universe,
And many, many more.
Any basis of the creation, living or nonliving,
Is but My form.
You are surrounded with Me,
But you are unaware of it.
Winter has gone and Spring has come.
Sow your seeds of devotion early,
And enjoy a good harvest.

Sai Darshan1.23
On seeing
Your earnest readings of your Gurucharitrar
I Myself have come to instruct you.
I have come
To explain the importance of a guru in life.
No readings without understanding
And put into practice are of any use.
You have sat here week after week at my feet
And made a sincere effort.
It becomes My duty as your Guru to instruct you.
Continue your sadhana,
And not only you,but all will be benefited.
The love I have come to give you
Is to be distributed.
Those who truly know Me,
Will know the sugnificance of My words.
Place your head at My feet,
And collect all the treasures I have come to give..

Sai Darshan1.24
And act of service is that
Which is truly done in My presence.
It can be compared to a game of hide and seek.
You are looking for the Swami
Hidden in the ones you serve,
And once you seek Swami,
You have definitely won the game.
I do not scale any acts of service big or small.
What I measure is the quantity of love in it.
Feel very fortunate at the smallest opportunity
To be given to serve.
Every act done with true love is nothing,
But another stone paved,
In your spiritual path to reach Me.

Sai Darshan1.25
I become inseperable from you
When you yearn for Me constantly.

Sai Darshan1.26
Your love for Me makes your life complete.
My mission successful,
Our goal is the same.
So shed those tears for Me.
And cleanse yourself.
Break the "I"and bend it,
And end this life with Me.

Sai Darshan1.27
I would like to write a few words of Mine,
On your mind, as if it were an empty page.
A page that reads no names but Mine.
May those names travel and lodge in your heart,
So very deep within.
And after they have made their home in there,
Let thembe a part of the lips which pray,
And call Me over and over again:
"Sai,Sai, Sai, Sai,Sai......."

Sai Darshan1.28
Join your hands and pray to Me,
Pray to Me that I am always there.
When life takes its course of its ups and downs,
Pray to Me that I am always there.
Listen to your footstep as you walk.
You will hear a foot step closely behind yours.
For I have followed you
Around this world many a time,
But the time has come that now I walk ahead,
And you follow My lead.
Stop walking in circles My child!
I have now come ahead of you,
To lead you in the strength of My light.

Sai Darshan1.29
There is only one from God,
The God that is within you.
Awaken it.
Follow it and realize the truth.
Time rolls by and waits for none,
So start your search while there is still some light.
Before it gets too dark.

Sai Darshan1.30
I stay awake when you are asleep.
I watch over you are protected.
Then with a smile on My face
And My hands on your brow.
I wake you up as a loving mother wakes her baby.
I make sure you are "widely awakened"
I sit back comfortably
And watch you face the day ahead.
Sleep just enough to keep ypour body alert.
And dedicate the rest of your time to Me.

Sai Darshan1.31
What ever happens in your life,
Is nothing but My wish.
So do sit back,
And do not question My will,
For always take care of you at the end.

Sai Darshan1.32
Let the wick of your faith burn.
From the smallest candle to the brightest torch,
And with it let it burn,
All the I’s that didnot belong.
And at the end, let only the light remain.
The light which is bright and full of love,
Cool and peaceful,
Streaming within and around you always,
Keeping you in My presence.

Sai Darshan1.33
Let Me be your inspiration.
Let Me think your thoughts for you.
Let Me say your words for you.
Let Me choose to hear the words for you.
Let Me do all the chores for you.
Why carry all these burdens,
When I am there to take them from you.
Let Me be the doer of all your karmas.
>One duty lies with you,
Without which I am helpless.
The duty of calling upon Me
To take these burdens.
Once you have done this,
The burdens fall on Me,
And My grace falls on you.

Sai Darshan1.34
Do not do anything to earn praise from others,
For I am the witness to every act,
Those who praise you today,
May blame you tomorrow.
So do it for Me and Me alone.
Because My love for you stays the same.

Sai Darshan1.35
Whether you are walking on My path,
Or another is lost,
My love for both is equal.
For one I encopurage to continue his journey,
And for the other,
I have come to transform.

Sai Darshan1.36
All that you face today,
Are nothing but your own karmas,
>For God does not punish and bring misery.
That is why I walk amongst you today,
To see which one has to stay on then tree still.
So ignore all your miseries
Your karmas have brought upon,
And realize your truest misery,
Of your separation from Me.
I give you all the options, but it is you that chooses.
Choose Me!
And end it all!

Sai Darshan1.37
The qualities and defects you see in others.
Are none other but those which are in you,
Present in different proportions.
Recognition of them would not be possible.
If there were not, but a reflection of yours.
So only look upon their qualities
And ignosre their defects,
And improve yourself thereby

Sai Darshan1.38
I have come to erase all your faults.
Every mother wants her child to be perfect.
I have come to teach you the school of "life"
In My school,
I expect the highest degree of discipline.
Humbleness and a strong character,
Are My prerequirements for admisssion.
>After that, I face you with a series of tough tasks,
And when I think you are ready
To pass your final examination,
I hand out your degree and set you free.

Sai Darshan1.39
In your heart, open the book of love,
Give Me this love with unchanging faith.
And once this faith is as solid as a rock,
Carve My name over it again and again.
And after you have moulded this rock,
Totally in My form,
Have the patience to know that I will be there,
To ferry you across the stormiest of seas.
When I receive this gift of love,
Of your unchanging faith and patience,
I will lodge Myself in your book of love,.
And prompt you the way to Me.

Sai Darshan1.40
Build a beautiful temple within,
And let it reflect in your character.
Let the beauty frin within
Come out and reach out.
Start the foundation with your faith,
Slowly build the walls with your love.
Cover the ceilings with your devotion.
Put within it lights of truth.
A carpet of peace.
Then close your eyes and sit with patience.
Wait for Me.
I will come,
I have come to stay.
You have built My home for Me.

Sai Darshan1.41
What ever I created was to give you peace
Unending ranges of towering mountains
Blue skies stars, moon and sun,
Surrounded by oceans, treesand birds.
Leaving all this, you search for things
That give you worry.
That which you created
To give yourself temporary happiness,
Increase your desire and leave you only wanting.
End this rat race that leaves nyou so unpeaceful.
Turn back around,
It may not be too late for you to return to Me.
Don’t keep Me waiting.

Sai Darshan1.42
The calamities that sometimes fall upon you,
Are merely an excuse to reach Me.
I will,
You come!
I set My eyes upon you,
Your eyes look back and recognize that,
My love for you is true.
So come to Me and test,
I will set free all your fears and doubts.
Place your faith at My feet.
Escape the bondage
And attatin liberation!

Sai Darshan1.43
Spread your hands before Me.
And let Me give you My gift of love.
A love that soothes all wounds ,
No matter how much it hurts
So get up and move on with My strength,
No more stones and no mkore thorns ,
For I am ahead and I have cleared your way.
Just follow closely in my shadow.

Sai Darshan1.44
There are two ways of love.
One in which you give love
And accept love in return.
The other in which,
You give love,give love, give love...
This love is endless.
It is divine.
It is Me!
So love to give love
And in return receive Me.

Sai Darshan1.45
My eyes direct your eyes the direction to see Me.
My ears direct your ears to hear only of Me.
My smile shows you the happiness I bring.
My hands show your hands
How to serve Me in everyone.
My hearts shows you the love I have for you
Use your body,
As an instrument I have given to you,
To bring yourself to Me

Sai Darshan1.46
Pray sincerely,
When you are surrounded by darkness,
The darkness of ignorance,
Which loses your peace.
Ask for the teacher from the Lord,
To help yopu, show you the way.
When suddenly, you will see a lioght,
And a sound of footsteps at the corner,
A muffled voice that prompts you.
And as you pray harder and harder,
You are now surrounded bu a sence of secutity
And the voice declares, "The Guru has come!"

Sai Darshan1.47
Do not waste your time
In discussing My readings
Use the time
To understand them,
To practice them
And to medietate on them.
Discussion only breeds arguments,
And feeds the ego.
So stay quiet,
And assimilate My words alone.
For I speak,
Only when the mind is calm and silent.
Sai Darshan1.48

Let your mind have no thoughts,
Other than Mine alone.
The mind is a frog leaping from thought to thought,
Leaving you in an unrestful state.
Allow Me to open the door and enter into your life.
To tame your mind.
Like a circus ring leader,
Let Me train your mind to think of Me,
And elevate your beast-like thoughts
To divine ones

Sai Darshan1.49
Before your trouble arrives,
I am present the day before,
To prepare you and give you strength,
To show you I am always there.
I want to seize your fears,
Make you brave.
So smile My bhaktha,
"Why fear when I am here".
I say over and over again.

Sai Darshan1.50
When your love for Me is true,
I respond at all times,
My words echo,
"I know ,I am present, do not worry",
When you hear these words
Know for sure,
That the fairy tale will end"happily ever after"

Sai Darshan1.51
Once, a young man passed Me on a road,
With a lot of baggage on his back.
"What do you look for?", I asked
"I look for God", he said.
I said, "Come let Me show you the way."
He laughed and thought of Me mad.
Ten years later I saw him older
Passing on the same road.
He had more baggage on his back.
Looked a little older and more tired than before
"What do you look for?", I asked
"I look for God" he said
"Come let Me show you the way," I said
He laughed aloud and brushed Me aside.
Forty years later I saw him again,
Old and very grey.
His vision blurred and could hardly walk,
With even more baggage .

He came up to Me and asked
" Do you know where God is?"
He looked into My eyes and said,
I know now who You are,
But it is too late now.
How can I make this journey,
For my body lacks strength.
I smiled and reminded him,
That I always give another chance.
There is always another birth, I said,
For you to start your journey all over.
So do not waste time
Taking several births.
In every birth at one stage
You will find Me standing and waiting
For I have always chosen
A path for you long before.
So place your faith in Me,
Hold My hand
And walk with Me
Back home

Sai Darshan1.52
Connect a phoneline
Betweenyou and Me,
And call on Me, whenever you yearn
To hear My voice speak
If the phone rings and no one answers,
Do not think I am not there.
For one day when your yearning
To speak to Me is really true ,
I will pick up the phone,
And you will hear Me say, "I love you too!"

Sai Darshan1.53
There is only one gift that I accept-
Your love for Me that comes from your heart.
A love that comes spontaneously
Expectint no rewards.
When I see this earnestly,
I stand right before you,
Directing you in everyway,
To bring you closer
So come My child,
Come dance with Me,
Arm in arm together.
Pour all your love into Me,
And merge with Me forever.

Sai Darshan1.54
Gather my love in your arms
And hold it close to you.
Let it enter in your heart,
And sing My name within,
Sai Ram, Sai Ram, SaI Ram.......
Let the name flow
From every cell of you.
Let Me be your constant friend,
Though there is no one around you
I promised never to break
This bond ever with you.
I have come to hold your hand
In this life and the next one too!

Sai Darshan1.55
Let your home resound,
With names no other than those of Mine.
It will create peace within you.
And those around.
For constant repetition of My name,
Forces Me to come and visit,
And My presence will be immediately known
With the calmness which settles your mind
Om Shanthi!Shanthi!Shanthi!

Sai Darshan1.56
With My hands on My chin
A smile on My lips
Tears in My eyes,
I watch your every moment,
And at other times you hurt Me
Leaving Me confused
Should I stay,or should I leave?
I think at all times.
O but My child needs Me!
So I dry My eyes,
And hpe and wait,
That one day your faith will grow stronger,
One day it will be only a smile and no tears
I wait for that moment.
Please do not disappoint Me

Sai Darshan1.57
There is a voice that surrounds you,
Speaks My words,
Echoes My name,
Creates a love for Me within.
Pay attention and listen to it always.
Listen and act accordingly,
When in front of you,
Slowly I form,
First a vision,
Then in true form,
And I confirm My presence
To your love’s call!.

Sai Darshan1.58
When you speak of a world beyond ,
You are filled with doubts.
They are mere guesses
Ask Me,
For I know for sure.
I come from there.

Sai Darshan1.59
There is a new love for you to discover,
For which I need firmer faith,
More spiritual effort,
A patience that perseveres,
So walk into the light,
Where there is no darkness
Demand for Me!
Know the truth!
Be released!

Sai Darshan1.60
You pass your life in lies,
I stay quiet.
You hurt others,
I stay quiet.
Your acts kill the ‘Me’ in you
I stay quiet.
The force of karma shows your futue.
You facemisesries,
And wonder
"What did I do wrong?" you ask Me.
I stay quiet.
I speak only when your quest for Me us sincere.
Ask Me for My help.
Do not blame Me for your actions.
To Me you are already dead.
When the Me in you is quiet,
Awaken the soul,
Forget the body,
And begin your conversation with Me.

Sai Darshan1.61
Where there is love
There, there is truth.
For true love comes,
Spontaneously from the heart.
It is not planned,
Nor is thought about.
It springs out from within,
Waiting to be accepted.

Sai Darshan1.62
I am present, I am there
Waiting to be recognised.
By your acceptance of My love
Do no0t reject this precious gift,
For I respond "Yes" to "Yes" and "No" to "No"
So say "Yes,Yes,"
And let this currrent of divine love
Find the way to you.

Sai Darshan1.63
Purity yourself with acts of love.
Do it selflessly.
Let there be no "I" involved.
Each act carried in My presence,
Takes a little dirt away.
Cleanse yourself and strive for the best,
THe best in you is Me.

Sai Darshan1.64
Give your love to those who need,
O but, push yourself, a little but more.
Be kind to those in misery,
O but, push yourself, a little bit more.
Be compassionate
To those who are sick and helpless,
O but,push yourself, a little bit more.
Be patient with all children.
O but, push yourself , a little bit more.
Give encouragement to our youth
O but , push yourself a little bit more.
Be respectful to your elders,
O but, push yourself a little bit more
With every act you do,
And soon you will find ,
That your spiritual effort
Will bring you to a road that leads directly to Me

Sai Darshan1.65
I do not make decisions
Only on your present situation,
For I have known the past,
More than you can ever remember,
ASnd I see your future ahead.
I decide, when I look at
Your past karmas,
Your present spiritual effort.
That determines your future.
Spread your hands ,
Ask for My grace
Spiritually discipline yourself ,
And leave the rest to Me

Sai Darshan1.66
For some I stand before them on one call for Me.
For others I do not appear for their life time.
I weigh your devotion on your sincerity to love Me,
It is not a race as to who stands first.
So start your spiritual sadhana .
This sadhana
Has to be practiced hard at every moment
It is like creating taste for a new dish..
You may not like it at first,
Then it may become tolerable.
And if you eat it often enough
It may become your energy
To carry out your actions.
I am present at all times,
So make Me a staple in your diet.
Let Me become your energy
To carry out your actions.
I am present at all times,
So make a sincere search for Me.
Surround yourself with Me.

Do all that you do with My form
Constantly imprinted in front of your eyes.
A time will come
When thus sadhana will beed no effort.
It will come from your heart.
It will be as spontaneous as your breathing.
At that time as you think of Me
I will appear in front of you,
In whichever form you would like to see Me.
I have no form, I take one for you.
I in reality am only love.

Sai Darshan1.67
Reading of Me constantly gives your mind,
A constant duty oif thinking of Me only.
When the mind thinks of Me,
It is rested and calm.
You are never lonely,
For I become your constant companion.
When I am with you always
You lose all fears
Fears of your enemies
Which are within you and around you.
Your cleansing process has now begun!

Sai Darshan1.68
Do not cry tears of sorrow,
Nor those ofpity,
For they depict your lack of faith in Me.
I have come to wipe your tears,
To maje you fight this feeling ofd weakness.
No you are not alone!
For I have come to inspire you
To wage this war witin.
To c conquer tneenemues that kie within.
No, you are not alone!
Together we shall accomplish this mission.
Just have faith.Together we can beat any army,
Win any battlem.
Just have faith,
And I will face all the arrows
O have comeot take your pain,
To dress those wounds you inflict upon yourself.
No, you are not alone!
Have faith, My feet are ahead,
And you are in my shadow.
Sai Darshan1.69
In the darkness of the night,
In a very dense forest,
A tiger strides stealthly, stalking it’s prey.
He hides ans wait,
and at the most unexpected moment,
Leaps and victimizes the prey.
Do not be a victim.
Do not be the prey.
Be alert, at all times!
The tiger is nothing but your own senses,
That recognize your weakness,
Stalks you,and hides and waits,
And in your most vulnerable moment,
Leaps and victimizes you.
You die a hundred deaths in one lifetime
Every time you give in to your senses.
Something dies within you.
Be a survivor and choose to die only once.
Let that be the death of your ego.
Kill it at once and for all,
And let Me live within you forever.

Sai Darshan1.70
Do you know the power in reciting My name?
It is the spiritual power to reach Me.
A direct wireless message is sent to Me ,
When, with all your heart, you repeat My name,
Think of me and nothing more,
And my eyes will be set on you,,
Loving you with My glance,
Like a mother to her child,
Blessing you with My divine love for always.
Sai Darshan1.71
Bend yourself and place your head on My feet,
And give Me your mind,
Filled with restless thoughts
In return take from My feet,
All the love and peace I have to offer.
Sai Darshan1.72
Every word uttered by Me,
Has a very deep significance tp it,
For you to understand it,
One reading is not enough.
Hear My words, with concentration,
Submerge your heart in Me.
WIth constant reading and My grace,
I will bless you to understand Me a little bit more,
With every effort put by you.
Sai Darshan1.73
Reading constantly about Me,
Is nothing but controlling the mind.
To be focused on Me.
And to prevent diversion to other thoughts
That only submerge Me
And emerge the ego.
Sai Darshan1.74
Do not think that when you come to Puttaparthi,
All your problems will be solved,
For I do not reside in Puttaparthi alone,
Everything will be resolved when you realize,
That My closest home ismin your heart.
I call you Puttaparthi
Only when I see you struggle,
Tocommunicate with Me at all times.
I bring you here, transform slowly your thoughts.
And send you back home,
Putting you on the path in which you belong.
So have confidence in your devotion.
Go back home from here today,
And resolve to find Me right where you live.
Believe Me, I live there too!
Know that and end your search.
Sai Darshan1.75
When I reveal my true form,
Even animals and insects recognize Me.
So do not thinks that only recognition of My form is enough.
Yes, God is walking among you!
Knowing and believing that is only the first step,
I expect much more from you.
Recognize Me, understand Me, believe in Me,
And most important of all, love Me.
With your love, find Me in all that I have created .
Loving one and hating another,
Is but your own folly.
Do not delude yourself,
For how long are you going to live
With this limited knowledge?
God and you are not separate entities.
Loosen all your attachments,
Give up all your hatred,
And experience your oneness with Me.
Sai Darshan1.76
Every day when you sit and pray ,
You ask Me things which are needless,
For the people you ask Me to take care and bless,
Are already in My protection.
If they know Me or not,
I know them and love them,
I take care of all’s welfare.
Then why do we give Me chosen names?
When I stand in fornt of you,
In your prayers each day,
Pray for what I have really come to give-
Faith in Me, love for all,
And attachmentnto none but that tp self.
Leave your worries at My feet,
Unburden yourself
And in your prayers
Ask Me as to what it is you want.
I know what you need.
I have come to give it.
So close your eyes,
And let Me be the author of your prayers
Sai Darshan1.77
Any act done against My true nature,
By you in this birth,
Determines only your own suffering’
That is fulfilled by you in this o r the next few births,
So base your actions upon
Those which are in My true nature
Do not go against the flow of the river,
You will only cause confusion and face pain,
Hit against the flow of the river,
You will onlycause confusion and face pain,
Hit against rocks,
Faces the angry force of nature,
And finally drown in your ego.
Sai Darshan1.78
Tell Me all your secrets
And let Me keep them with Me.
Accept Me as your best friend
And be assured that I will always be there,
In clear skies or when dark stormy clouds
Come your way.
I will not knly hear you
But always rescue you
From all ypur faults.
Do not let another come between you and Me,
For no one’s loyalty
Compares to Mine.
No one’s hold can give you the strength
And no one canever give you love like Mine.
Sai Darshan1.79
Let Me be your doctor,
Come to Me with all your illnesses
Which you suffer from now,
And may be for births to come,
You do not need an appointment,
I am always available.
Tell Me truly all your symptoms.
And I will cure you with My simple remedies
Of Love;peace;Righteousness and Truth.
They cure you instantly and set you free.
Sai Darshan1.80
Sometimes when I am a part of your dream,
The dream itself becomes the reality
I come, and I instruct.
I love and I bless
And when you open your eyes
Your dream ends
You smile and with My vision in your eyes
You say, "Swami has come!"
LIfe then becomes trhe dream of "I" the reality.
Sai Darshan1.81
Connect your eyes to the vision I see
And you will find that the world you live in
Is diiferent from where I stand.
A word filled with love and no pain,
Where only one God lives
Co nnect your heart to My heart,
And hear the universal language I speak
Our beat is the same, but Mine says a name
Repeatedly to purify Me and you.
You start your journey with a voice of two
May you end it only with One.
Sai Darshan1.82
Do your duty but stay unattached.
Give all your love but stay unattached,
For attachments only cause pain,
A pain that leaves your mind restless
Leaving peace afar.
The nature of yourlife is transitory.
I am the cause of this change,
So that at every point
When you experience another phase of your life,
You grow unattached to the previous phase,
And only experience love for it,
No attachments! NO worries!
Most of all when realization dawns
One thing becomes evident,
One and onlyn one thing stays changeloess
My presence, Which is constant.
Everywhere, within and around you

Sai Darshan1.83
Call my name over and over
And I will appear before you.
Come now, and sit by My feet.
Smile, and let Baba take over,
For when I take control,
Your worries have ended.
I have brought with Me a bag full of gifts
To lure you to Me.
Colorful boxes filled with love.
Do not waste your time.
Open them quick.
Accept My love with your faith in Me.
And let this relationship never end.
Sai Darshan1.84
Do not fear death,
If you have to fear,
Fear the way you live your life!.
Sai Darshan1.85
Do not dwell on faults of others,
Instead look within yourself,
And make a search.
Find out,
What it is that makes you find that fault in others.
On proper search, you will find
A hundred more faults within you
That looks for faults of others
So work hard every second
By concentrating your attention on Me,
No faults within you remain.
I now will dwell within you,
And your search begins for Me in others

Sai Darshan1.86
I begin to give My instructions
Only when I see, you are
qualified to accept.
I arrange you at different levels to learn,
Depending upon your level of purification,
Your earnnestness to learn,
Your trust in Me,
And your determination to face My tasks
Come to Me with your mind and hasrt fixed in Me,
And let Me pour on you the nectar.
Which leaves you sweet to Me and to all
Sai Darshan1.87
I want to capture you
With My love I bring,
Which flows like a river
That gushes and floods and surrounds you
Soak yourself wi9th this divine love
And realize, My child,
That nothing else matters.
If My love surrounds you,
Have no other desire
Other than being withMe
At all tiems, in every place.
Let the mind die,
Your heart open,
And let Me enter in.
Sai Darshan1.88
Say "no" to anger
Say "no" to envy
Say"no" to greed
And say "Yes" to Me.
Say "no" to hatred,
Say "no" to fear,
And say "Yes" to Me
Say "no" and end this way forever.
Say "Yes" and start your peace with Me.
Sai Darshan1.89
I took a seed(a seed of divine love) to germinate
And put it in a pot(birth).
I then poured some water (My teachings),
And put in bright sunlight
(The light of My knowledge),
And waited for it to sprout.
Full of hope I watched that seed
I saw no growth ans was disappointed.
I took out the seed
And transferred it to a series of new pots (births)
No growth.
My disappointment grew,
When all of a sudden I saw small root.
My excitement grew and poured more water.
Put it in a brighter light.
It first was a sapling,
Then a plant, and finally a strong tree,Filled with flowers (good qualities) of fragrance
And ripened fruits (self realization)
Waiting to bepicked by Me
I saw this seed blossom to its fullest.
It spread it’s beauty now on its very own.
And now it is apparent that the gardner(Me)
Has done His work.
He sits back and enjoys His creation,
And waits for the fruits to fall
On His lap,
Enjoys their sweetness and
becomes a part of Him.
Sai Darshan1.90
I do not barter when I love
There is nothing I want in exchange.
My biggest love of all.
is to love you always,
So stop your roaming ,
Like an unfed lion.
I have come to treat you
To the biggest feast of all.
So spread your plate,
And accept the specifiality I make best-
Pure and selfless love!
Sai Darshan1.91
Light the flame in your heart
Of love and truth forever.
Close your eyes
And then make a search deep within,
Spreading the brightness of this flame
With this flame, which is lit eternally,
Say My name repeatedly.
When all of a sudden
Emerged a light, bright and peaceful,
Surrounding you all over.
A light in which you see Me in all.
The flame lit within your heart
Now merges with this light.
Your prayers are now answered,
Your meditation complete.
I have answered your question of "Who am I Swami"

Sai Darshan1.92
When the mind gets diseased,
Your body suffers,
For your body is only an instrument
Given to reach Me.
So cleanse your mind
With good acts, soft words of serene thoughts
Remember always, I witness every event.,
And I walk towards you,
When I see sincere effort you make.
So draw Me closer,
Melt My heart with your true self.
Realize Me and save yourself.
Sai Darshan1.93
I travel faster than the speed of light
To rescue you from your so called sufferings.
The miseries that are inflicted upon
Are just an excuse for My
So welcome them and do not complain.
Accept them and call My name.
For they are sometines hidden treasures.
Unlock them, and collect the colorful jewels
I have come to give
Sai Darshan1.94
Let Me find the way
For you to reach Me.
Give Me along the way,
All your devotion and
Your faith in Me,
For walking on this path alone
Is like walking on glass,
As it cuts and opens,
Inflicts new wounds and opens old ones,
Hindering your progress to reach Me.
When I walk ahead you,
I clear the glass for you,
And if one or two
May find your feet,
I pick you up in My arms,
And continue to walk with you,
Till your wound heals,
Until you are able to be
Back on your feet again.
And when we near my home,
I open the front door,
Smile and wait,
To watch you
Run into My arms forever,
Stay there, My sweet
Baba is coming to bring you home!

Sai Darshan1.95
Believe Me, I always am
Walking around your home,
To motivate you, and to encourage you,
To awaken the Me within you.
And when I see you respond ,
I unfold all the religious texts,
And Myself explain them to you,
In a language that is special,
Only between you and Me.
Sai Darshan1.96

I have come to give you bliss,
To uproot your ignorance
Of your concept of reality,
To instill in you the vale of truth-
A love for all.
I have come to give you what "need".
Do not tell Me what you "want",
For your need for Me, and My need for you,
Envelopes us in a bond together,
Strong and inseparable.
Wanting preoccupies your mind ,
With thoughts other than Mine,
Leaving your heart beat unsteady,
Your mind ruffled.
So know your "need"
Dispose of your "wants"
I have come to give you bliss.
Come and rest in it.
Sai Darshan1.97

1. Keep silent at all times.
2. Words that are spoken must be soft
And meaningful.
3. Conserve your energy you waste,
In meaningless conversation.
4. Talk less, listen more.
5. Fix your thought on Me constantly.
6. Use your energies only to dedicate them to My activities
7. Encourage your voice within to be louder.
8. Listen and act upon it.
9. In every prayer ask Me to show you the way.

10. If it is hard for you to love someone,
Do not hate, just keep away.
11. When the darkness of suffering comes your way,
know that there will be sunrise alwaya.

12. Love Me truly and bind yourself to Me.
13. Imitate Me and strengthen your character.
14. Do not waste your time in worry;
Use it wisely to cultivate faith in Me
15. Place your head on My feet,
It will soak all your tears.
16. All that you take at the time of death,
Are your qualities.
17. You are ignorant of the happening in your next moment. Stay with Me through all changes.
For I stay changeless.
18. Accompany Me in all My missions.
19. Know always that I promptyou

To the truth always.
20. Try to love Me in different forms and surround yourself with Me.
Sai Darshan1.98

Do not be weighed down
By the so called downfalls you face at times.
That which may appear as suffering to you,
May become a big milestone of progress
In your spiritual path to reach Me.
Welcome Me in any form I appear,
Do not judge Me badly because
Things do not seem to go
The way you think them to be.
Trust Me and know for sure,
That your welfare is more important to Me,

Than to you yourself!
Sai Darshan1.99
Spread My name by the love you give
Spread My name by the actions you do
For I am always on the lookout
For a sincere devotee,
To be used by Me,

To assist Me in my mission,
To spread the divine message of-
"Give love, and taste the nectar of your divinity".

Sai Darshan1.100
Choose your Guru and stick to Him.
Depend on Him all the way.
Repeat His name and call on Him

Follow His footsteps,
For He has already treaded on
All the thorns that hurt.
Just follow His instrutctions,
And accept His protection.
Close your eyes and blindly believe inHim.
Touch His heart with your devotion.
Love Him truly ans enslave Him.
Hold on close ince you find Him
He becomes your fastest mode of transport,
To reach your God within
Sai Darshan1.101

When in all your earnest sincerity,
You think of Me and call on Me,
By your constant spiritual Sadhanas,
Of getting to know My previous avatars,
YOu compel Me to arrive,
To come and listen,
To encourage you further in your devotion,
And to bless you with beautiful bhakthi
Continue your research on Me,
With a heart full of love, pure and innocent,
A mind that only envisions Me,
And attain your supreme goal.
Be Godward and become God.
Sai Darshan1.102

Always play the music of My glory
Control the movements of the snake(maya)
And let it dance to the tune of My name
The power of My name on your lips
Keeps the snake away from attacking.
Do not let this music stop,
Or else it will attack you,
And spread its poison,

Killing Me within you,
Leaving behind a body without a soul.

Sai Darshan1.103
Choose and stay with those who love Me.
Keep yourself always in good company,
The kind of company you keep
Determines your future.
Stay away from the wicked.
Do not deal with them directly.
Just pray that I intervene to keep you safe,
And transform the wicked with My love
Towards Me.
Say little,
Do good always
Smile and think of Me when in pain.
Forgive easily.
And once you have cultivated faith in Me,
Follow Me blindly,
And love Me wholeheartedly

Sai Darshan1.104
Say "no" to your senses
That run helter skelter
For that which shines and is bright,
Can burn you
To bare ashes.
Stay in the coolness of the radiance
Of My form and My name.
Tie the garland of My name.
All over and around you,
And when your senses

Begin to race,
The power of My name will simply
Crush them and kill them.
No more desires, no more worries.
Let it be only Me!Me!Me!

Sai Darshan1.105
Most of you confer upon yourselves
A little after getting to kn ow Me.
"A Devotee " is proudly how you
Introduce yourself to others.
Once this word is known to you
YOu walk around with it.,
Flashing it and displaying it,
As if it was a proof of your virtues of character.
Merely a word attached to you
Does not touch Me,
Does not call Me.
All the visits to the temples Does not impress Me,
Unless you have realized
That the temple lays within,
Which is to be kept clean and pure.
All your actions must scream the word "devotee"
For when you are truly devoted to Me.
All the paths become clear.
There is no confusion,
You serve Me in all others around,
And I then become indebted to your love.
Touch Me with your love.
Call Me always with your eyes and lips

Impress Me with your action
Sai Darshan1.106

I have come to describe the virtues
Of my true devotee
He/she has,
Eyes that are radiant and peaceful
Eyes that constantly search for Me
Eyes that have compassion and love
Eyes that show determination of truth
Eyes that focus continuously on the goal
A smile that shows confidence in My decisions
A smile where no pain is painful
A smile that melts and wins all
A smile that speaks all my teachings
A smile that is ever content
Hands that serve
Hands that never tire
Hands that give and never take
Hands that carry all burdens of others
Hands that carry all burdens of others
Hands that stroke and love others
A heart in which I shine
A heart in which I speak
A heart that knows no preferences
A heart with a steady heartbeat
A heartbeat that calls My name
Aheart that speaks My language
A heart where I reside

Sai Darshan1.107
Now that I have given you signs
Of a true devotee,
Let Me further explain as to
How is it you become My devotee.
The first step for you is to get to know Me.
Search all around you.
Choose a form of Me that appeals to you most.
After you have chosen a form,
Next research as to
Why that particular form appealed to you.
The net step is
Study the teachings of that form.
Spend time with Me more and more
You will find it addictive.
Slowly your mind will start to find a little peace,
Encourages you to look for more
You strt confiding in Me.I answer your prayers,
To show you of My presence.
Your faith strenghtens,
Your love for Me increases,
And slowly you develop enduring patience.
You start to spesnd more time with Me
Your search starts to look for Me all around you.
A time comes when,
Your eyes only see Me,
Your ears only want to hear of Me,
Your lips repeat My name constantly,
Your hands serve Me in all.
You open the doors of your heart for Me
And long for Me and no other.
I now enlist you as a devotee.
I then stand before you, to

Accept your most precious gift to Me-
Your devotion! Rise My bhaktha.
I have come to answer your call!
Sai Darshan1.108

Today you celebrate Gurupournima
You welcome the Guru in your lifen today.
The full moon enlightens the skies,
Leaving no room for fear in the dark
The Guru in the same way
Walks into your life,
A life that envelopes you in ignorance.
You do not recognize.
He takes the form of the full moon,
To enlighten your soul,
Taking your hand firmly in His,
Strengthening your belief
in the ultimate Supreme.
Look for this moon
in everyday of your life.
He stands ther beside you.
Tirelessly whether it is day or night.
Carries your burdens
Wipes your tears
Instilling faith constantly
He looks for purity
He looks for your love
He awaits eagerly for you to call
And when you do
He appears, to carry you away
To a world where only you and He belong

I have come to cure, I have come to transform,
A heart once belong to Me,
A heart that was pure and full of lov.
But now is tainted and diseased.
I have come with a remedy.
I have to end this misery.
End this pain, with My form in eyes,
Strengthen yourself, and bring Me into your life.
I have come to give you inspiration.
I have come to give you faith,
In awakening Me within,
To succeed in your mission,
To find Me in everything,
Which surrounds you.
Know and realize this truth,
And break all the bonds.
Untie those knots,
That attach you to the body.
I have come to set you free.
And I will not leave you,
Until you succeed
I have come to wish you success.
I have come to brung you back to Me
Sai Darshan2.2

Be a Sai Leader,
Wherever you go.
Accept the faults of others,
And there by strengthen your character
Be a Sai leader,
Wherever you go.
Spread your love all .
Give it selflessly and experience divinity.
Be a Sai Leader,
Werever you go
Help all and be kind to those who need
Serve Me in them and realize the oneness.
Be a Sai Leader
Wherever you go.
Follow My steps and make Me proud.
Become My instrument to spread My message.
I have come to lead you to God
I am Sai
Recognize My worth and know yours,
Stay close to Me and I will guide you,
To be an ideal Sai Leader.

Sai Darshan2.3
Let your love for Me be silent and within.
You can depict your love for Me,
By making an attempt to purify your thoughts,
By making an attempt to speak soft words,
By making an attempt to carry out selfless acts.
I have placed the power button
To push it "on" within you.
But for this to work, you have to make an attempt
To connect the wire to the switch.
Only when continuous contact is made,
The divine current will flow to you.
Without the connection
Even if you put the button in the "on" position,
Your divinity will not arise.
You cannot only be in the receipt mode,
Without attempting to make contact
With the Divine current of love
Only when you receive this love, it flows within you,
You are able to carry
And accomplish your given tasks.
At every part of your life,
I place an outlet at various intervals.
Look for them earnestly,
And make contact with Me.
Experience Me and My love,
And look for nothing more.

Sai Darshan2.4
Conquer all your enemies,
With one weapon I have endowed you with,
Love rises above anger.
Love stalks over greed.
Love crushes away jealousy.
Love stamples over pride.
Love succeeds over hatred.
Love erases restlessness.
It is a sure winner over all other weapons.
Just have faith in My love for you,
And stay patient and await My arrival,
To pour all My divine love on you.
Fill yourself with it, emanate it to others.
Give up being a demon,
Give up being an animal.
Start with being human,
End up being divine.

Sai Darshan2.5
The evil I despise most of all,
Is to talk of one in the absense of his presence.
Avoid the temptation of the demon within you,
That decorates and offers you
A platter of others faults
To feast upon.
You may become a hero in others’eyes,
When you degrade others to upgrade yourself.
But in My eyes you are coward,
Who covers his own faults
By shining the light on others.
You can blindfold others,
You can convince yourself ,
But always remember
You can never deceive Me.
I know the truth.
I am "truth".
Sathya is My name.
Sathya is what I have come to foster.

Sai Darshan2.6
Fancy words and phrases,
Uttered by you to your children,
Without showing true leadership of practice,
Is hollow and empty, lacking meaning
It only teaches your child
To be deceitful and hypocritical.
First be honest and sincere
O your abilities to them.
Tell them of your expectations of them
And of your loce and encouragement for them,
And make it a joint mission,
For both to complete.
Learn from them their innocence.
And teach them the true experience of your life,
From which you have learned
Teach them to pray at all times,
For My guidance.
Dedicate the task of being a parent to Me.
Allow Me to become your mother and father,
And that of your children,
And those of future generations to come

Sai Darshan2.7
Be fearless.
Fear arises only due to lack of faith in Me.
I have come here,
To give you the strength,
To serve your biggest dnemies and My critics.
Truth knows no fear.
It is only when there is a touch of falsehood,
Fear of it revealing arises within you.
Be brave, follow the truth always.
Truth has only one path.
Truth cannot be justified.
It is a single straight road.
Begin your march, like a true warrior.
As long as you are along this path,
Your eyes will directly look into Mine,
And I in turn will grace you,
With my companionship all through the way.

Sai Darshan2.8
I give you opportunities to serve Me in others.
I hear you complain,
Of your lack of time,
Of your lack of energy.
I give you a chance to purify yourselves.
But I see you choking yourselves with selfishness.
You seem to have time for useless activities.
Your energy seems high for superficial events
But My eyes see that which you lack most,
Is your lack of love.
This deficiency has left you alone.
You are uncalm and angry.
Look for the chances I give you.
Rise above your selfish wants.
Dive in that which I have planned for you.
My love for you is the vitamin pill,
That will cure you of your deficiency.
Do not be narrow minded.
Broaden your horizons ands
Accpt Me in more than My one form
Which you know and worship
Know that I reside in everyone,
And look to serve Me in them

Sai Darshan2.9
The Avatar in which I have descended,
Can perform any of your so called "Miracles".
These miracles are not the only purpose if
My coming today.
They are merely to attract your attention Godward,
To make you think that there is
More than just science,
More than what human level can reach.
I walk amongst you today,
To perform My biggest miracle of all,
The transformation of your heart.
I mould you, I scold you. I tease you, console you.
I make you cry, I wipe all your tears.
I shake you, turn you inside out.
Puzzle you,answer you.
And with My love, I start a slow process,
A process of change.
I pull out the "I" and destroy it.
I awaken your eye to be able to see Me.
This Avatar has not come in vain.
My purpose today is to lead all Godward.
I will not give up,
Unless I see your heart melt with devotion.
Be sure that once I set My eye on you,
I will not leave you until you are transformed.

Sai Darshan2.10
If you You have no right to judge others’actions
For you do not know their circumstances.
You are unaware of their past,
Or present, or future.
How can enlist
Their strengts and weaknesses?
Depict character by showing no judgement.
Be a rock and stand by all.
Become an image of virtue and strength,
And give others strength thereby.
There is no stronger influence
Than being a good example.
I do not judge you at any time.
I live My life by example and not by mere words.
I stand beside you at all times.
I bestow on your faith and devotion,
To be able to face your karmas.
Use my strength, that you are unaware of.
It lays within you waiting for it to be found.
Find it, use it, and enrich your lives.

Sai Darshan2.11
Be aware I say,
From every thought you think
Every word you say,
Every act you commit,
Be aware I say,
For Karma lurks around you.
Waiting to determine your future course
I prompt you always
To do things My way
So tune your life to Me
I create karma
I lessen them
I even erase them sometimes with My grace
I always keep you on the alert
Develop the sense of constant awareness.
Free yourself from the ckutch of karma
Whatever you create in your life.
Must come back to you.
So create an image of Me,
Create a love for Me,
And bring me back to you.
Sai Darshan2.12

If you would like to unfold
Your true nature within you,
Start with the study of your Guru
The more you try to know Him
The more your true nature within reveals.
Because even though you think
That the Guru stands in front of you,
To instruct you with His teachings,
Know for sure that,
When your mind is quiet,
The Guru within speaks,
Makes you stir and awakens you.
I promise, you will feel this joy one day.
But for now, make a sincere search for Me.
In whatever mode you can find Me.
The day your search will end,
Your study of Me will be complete

Sai Darshan2.13
Do not be attached to comforts and luxuries.
They will only disorient you away from Me.
Be simplistic in your way of living
You come empty handed,
And take nothing back with you.
Lesser the attachments, lesser are your worries.
Your mind is at peace.
Your desires are under control.
You have less chances to hate.
There is no reason for anger,
And less motivation to worship money.
Most of all, there will be a feeling of contentment.
When you are content,
You automatically make contact with Me.
We spend more time together,
You come closer and closer to Me,
And your life ends woth more meaning.

Sai Darshan2.14
You are eternal.
You are not finite.
Nothing can kill you, not even death.
The only death I see,
Is that of Me within you,
Wake up from this deep sleep.
Awaken your conscience.
Ego covers you and dulls your mind.
It blurs your vision.
It hardens your heart.
It makes your hands lazy and inefficient.
Do not associate yourself with the body.
The body dies a hundred deaths.
The soul lives forever.
It cannot be killed.
But you have wounded it and maimed it
I have come into your life
To heal those wounds.
I will not let you be cripped by attachments.
Listen to the words I speak.
It will start your healing process.
Slowly, your soul will revive.
Return to its home,
And will be complete

Sai Darshan2.15
Do not deluded by short term gains,
For they give you momentary pleasure,
But a lifetime of sadness.
Learn to look in the truth of the situation,
Do not be partial, even to yourself.
Truth never lies
It may be hurtful at present.
But it will definitely rescue you in the near future.
Give all the goodness you have.
Give up all the negative traits that stray you.
Concentrate on your ultimate goal,
It will not be easy.
It is not so straight forward.
A lot of faith is required.
A tremendous amount of courage
Is to be developed.
I stand beside you today,
Waiting to lead you,
As I have already traversed this path.
Come with Me.
And let us seek this truth out together.

Sai Darshan2.16
I have etched My name on your mind
I have recited My name on your lips.
I have stationed My form in your eyes.
I have signed My name in your heart.
"With all My love and My blessings", it says
My love I give to you,
To take with you for all your life.
My blessings I shower on you,
To prevent you from stumbling and falling
You seem to be surprised,
By the spark of divinity that flashes before you,
For the spark to turn into a constant flame,
Constant refueling is necessary.
I have provided you with the fuel and lamp.
I hold in my hand match.
Strike the match against the box.
Make contact with Me
Constant friction will give a light
Light your lamp and recognize it’s illumination
It is nothing but
Going from the dullness of humanness,
To the brightness of divinity.

Sai Darshan2.17
Talking expends a lot of energy.
The tongue was given to be used for two purposes.
To taste and enjoy food,
Which is needed to keep the body healthy,
To constantly recite the name of the Lord.
But today, the tongue is used
To slander one and hurt others
It is being used more to indulge in vicious gossip.
To argue, to abuse and to lie,
To sit and have meaningless conversations.
To criticize even God.
Why are you constantly persisting
In humilating your true self?
Observe silence,
And you will find
That silence itself speaks a language.
The language of eyes that are peaceful.
The language of your smile that is content.

Do not exhaust yourselves by talking
Every sentence spoken
Leads to a series of other thoughts,
Several thoughts crowd your mind,
Leaving you restless and energyless.
This releases only negative energy around you.
This affects you practice of spirituality
Remember all the spiritual sadhanas
Will be in vain if the tongue is not controlled.
Do not respond to:
1) Others criticism.
2) An abuse.
3) A personal attack made on you.
Observe silence, chant My name
And let karma itself be its response.

Sai Darshan2.18
Let your thoughts, words and actions be
In synchrony with each other.
If they are not, then be aware
For within you lies a wolf,
That is to be hunted and killed.
Let your mind be totally focussed on Me.
This will limit other thoughts
That will hold you back spiritually.
Let your lips chant My name.
Let them sing the name of the Lord in praise.
Let them soothe others
With soft speech and loving words
And lastly, but not the least, let your hands be busy.
Let them carry out their tasks.
With a sense of duty and love.
Let them seve others, let them stroke with love
This is the synchrony I want to develop
It is nothing but formuls to purify yourselves.
In this state your mind is unagitated.
Your heart is full of the nectar of love.
In this stillness of peace ,
Their will be only Me!Me!Me!

Sai Darshan2.19
When anger comes, let it go.
Let it go, before it erupts,
Like hot lave, that leaves everything bare.
Anger travels from your mind
Into the gaze of your eyes,
Into the words of your lips,
Into the acts of your hands.
It intoxicates you, it weakens you emotioning
It tires you physically
And drains you of your energy.
It makes you hurt others.
It fills fear in your children
And creates unhappiness
Within you and to all around.
Then why do you welcome it?
Shut the doors to ange.
Do not let it enter in your thoughts,
If it does, close your eyes.
Be determined not to allow it to travel further.
Be victorious and take control of your senses.
You are it’s master,
Know that and act on it thereby
Sai Darshan2.20
I do not respond to challenges .
I do not respond to your anger directed at Me.
I respond to sincerity and yearning for Me.
I respond to your pure love.
I am not present
Where there is a trace of ego present
Challenges thrown at Me are nothing but,
You establishing your sueriority over Me
To Me, you are not superior or inferior.
I am You and You are Me.
Realize that and call Me at divine level,
Rise above the passions that consume you.
Fight them ans rein your superiority over them.
Become the master and take control.
And once you have tasted victory,
Stay undefeated!

Sai Darshan2.21
The worst thing for your spiritual well being is
Stress which is anotjer word for "worry".
Which in turn is due to "fear".
And "fear" arises only due to lack of faith in Me.
I watch you suffer physically and mentally
Why do you stress of circumstances,
That you have determined
By your own past karmas
Put all your fears in an envelope
Seal it tight and offer it to Me.
I will accept them gladly,
And give you in return,
An envelope filled with love
A love that soothes, that takes all your worries.
A love that fills you with smiles and contentment.
A love that strengthens you to be righteous.
A love that carries you across the border of death.
With no anxieties.
A love that accepts the most wicked
And transforms them.
This love knows no "I"
It makes recognize your true self within.
And when that happens,
I transform your soul to become part of my love.

Sai Darshan2.22
Plan each and every activity daily
Include Me in each of them.
You ask Me in each of them.
You ask me for self-realization and liberation.
How can you attain liberation?
You dedicate a few minutes pf tje dau fpr prayers.
Will a few minutes in the morning.
And a few minutes in the evening liberate you?
Sel-realization is attained only when,
You make an effort
To see Me at all waking moments.
Self-realization is the ability to see Me in all,
Living or nonliving,
Pleasant or unpleasant,
In the good and the bad.
Give up your laziness and strive forward.
You do not impress Me with fancy words.
I look for sincerity, I look for effort

You are lost
And the only way to find your way back,
Is to trust and have faith.
In the directions being given to you
I give it to you directly
They are inscribed on the pages of your heart.
Open this book and read it with utmost care.
Educate yourself.
And break the bonds that imprison you.
It is time, My child, to liberate yourself.
Free yourself from this limited bondage of time
Become eternal!

Sai Darshan2.23
All physical ailments are directly related to,
To the state of your mind.
Your body is in tune with your true nature within.
When your mind gets diseased,
With anger, jealousy, fear and worries,
The body becomes unbalanced too.
The more restless your mind,
The more the body suffers.
To cure your physical pains,
You must cure the pains in your mind.
YOu must dismiss and erase painful thoughts.
That arise within you.
To do this, faith in God is necessary.
To awaken God, a Guru is necessary
You must practice spiritual Sadhanas,
That are given by Him,
To earn better mental and physical health.
Follow His steps and example
Of how He would handle

The cicumstances you face.
Nothing will efface you,
Once He becomes your ideal and your goal.
You will face all with courage
And fortitude of righteousness.
You will be able to give love in all situations.
Your faith in achieving Godhooe
Through your Guru,
Will give you stability and peace of mind
Choose your Guru and stay close to Him.
Believe in Him, follow His example and find God

Sai Darshan2.24
To some in life, The Guru arrives first.
He attracts you with His form.
He magnetizes you with His teachings.
He promises to show you the way to God.
You develop faith and love for Him.
Follow His footsteps.
And on your way, you realize,
That your Guru is God,
And you are His image.
So you too are God.
To others in life, due to their purity,
God Himself arrives as the Guru
He stands before you,
And the Guru within you speaks.
He blesses you with His grace.
All becomes simple to understand.
All becomes easy to follow.
All the teachings from within enlighten you.
The true love you yearned for,
Has Himself found you.
Now you become the Guru.
You become God.

Sai Darshan2.25
To appreciate punctality,
And all work of duty done at the given time.
Postponding given projects only shows Me
A lack of commitment.
A lack of duty of love.
Anything doe hurriedly,
Is done under the stress of completing it.
And when your heart is not in your work,
I am definitely not present in it.
Consider all projects given to you.
As work that is handed by Me to you.
Accept them with eagerness.
Carry them out promptly
With a full sense of duty and love.
Do I show any tardiness when you call upon Me?
I answer instantaneously.
I rescue you from the clutches of your own karma.
Even though sometimes,
You do not give Me credit for it.

You want things changed immediatrely,
As per your wish.
Will a mother feed the child only chocolates,
Just because he likes them?
I alone kn ow what is good for you.
Do not waste any more time.
You do not know the amount of time.
I have allotted to each one of you.
Use your time wisely in your current body.
Complete all your work successfully.
Offer it at My feet and gain My gGrace.

Sai Darshan2.26
Krishna gave doscourse to Arjuna,
On a battlefield ofd Kurukshetra.
This was a teaching given by the Lord Himself,
Thousands of years ago.
Today, I unfold this Gita to you,
In the form of Sathya Sai , to you my Bhaktha.
These messages that I pour upon yopu,
Are to be understood
By the most ignorant of ignorant.
I give you the precious jewels of wisdom,
To confer upon others.
I am handing out to you today,
All the weopons you need to fight thie battle.
I have seen you lose hundreds of times,
Due to your lack of faith and purity,
But today, I come as a Mother,
To lift My child from the puddle of dirt.
I will wash you and cleanse you,
Remove all your impurities.
And reveal your true form and your true parents.
Read these messages over and over.
Meditate upon them.
Understand their significance and use them,
To end your body and emerge your atma.
This pure atmic presence that lies in all,
Connects your presence in them,
And ultimately in Me!

Sai Darshan2.27
My love for all is the same.
My love knows no favoring, no partiality.
I am a mother to all.
I encourage the good.
I transform the wicked.
But my goal is the same to both,
To be unattached and to realize the true self.
Do not judge My love for others.
For you only belittle Me and yourselves.
My medicine is given,
Depending on the needs of the disease.
When the disease is soul threatening,
I put the patient under My Intensive Care Unit.
The smaller the illness of the woul,
Makes Me home visit the patient to cure him.
Have faith in My abilities.
I have a doctorate in healing.
Accept my cures, recover and be healthy.

Sai Darshan2.28
Let me the messenger ,
From God to you, His devotee.
I have brought from Him a mesage
Of how you too can become God
These are the rules you follow:
1) You hear of Him
2) You talk of Him
3) You go in search of Him
4) You yearn for Him to end this search.
5) You find Him
6) You then listen to Him
7) You talk to Him
8) You begin to imitate Him
9) YOu meditate on Him
10) You realize His omnipresence
11) You recognize Him
As Universal Consciousness
12) You attain Him and liberate yourself
13)You are merged with Him
14) God is you and you are God

Sai Darshan2.29
My love for you is the biggest tool of all,
That attracts you to Me.
My love remains unchaged,
Even when you try to erase Me from your lives.
For I cannot be erased,
However hard you try.
Your origin of yout being
Sarts with Me and ends with Me.
The midsdle is dtermined by your own Karmas.
Whether good or bad, you pay or earn.
I stay in the midst of this, unaffeted
By your so called pleasures and sufferings,
Watching you lose and sometimes find your way.
But when you are ready,
And you call foe Me,
I become your guide,
For the rest of the way.
I pour on yopu the love
You have never tasted before.
Like a fish you attach youself
To the bait of My love,
And I reel you in slowly,
From all your attachments and addictions,
And I transfer you from the impure water,
To the pure ocean of My love.

Sai Darshan2.30
There are two sets of eyes.
The outer eyes, The inner eyes.
The outer eyes are merely a tool
For you to see things as they appear,
They are fooled by the outward shine
They can be diseased and have a catract.
They lose their vision with age.
They become blurry and unreliable.
Try to see from the inner eye .
On a pure search for Me,
You will find this inner vision.
There, look deeper and kn ow,
The transitory nature of the objects that shine.
They are not affected by time or age.
This inner visinon becomes clearer,
As My presence in you life becomes stronger,
You are able to see not only in front of you,
But in all directions.
There is always light in this vision.
No darkness ever prevails.
YOu can recognize
My form in a photo with your outer vision,
But with your inner vision, you see
My presence surrounding each and every atom.
Do not limit youself to this ooutward world.
Dive deep within and see the true vision.
I have come to grace you with.

Sai Darshan2.31
You are surrounded and blinded by an illusion.
This illusion has become a reality to you,
And the reality an illusion.
A mother will not play with a doll,
When her beautiful child is in front of her
Similarly a little girl plays with her doll,
And sees her as her real child.
When she grows up, she puts them away,
Because then she looks for the real thing.
When your love for God rises to the ultimate limits,
You will find that you are ever content,
By just being with Him only.
You do not need to be
Surrounded by friends and relatives.
For you not to feel lonely,
Look for My constant companionship
That is there within you.
Believe Me, that is what you need.
That is the true reality.

Sai Darshan2.32
You can start your research on Me.
But let Me tell you that it will never end.
The more you research, the more data you receive.
Sometimes the data may be rewarding.
Sometimes will leave you confused.
Let Me assure you that there is no possibility,
For you to receive your "Ph.d" on Me.
This research will take
A lifetime and even several births.
My advice to you is,
To work on alinited data base,
And confirm your faith on it.
I will reward your research,
By bestowing My grants(Grace)
Dive in deep for what I have come to say,
Not as to who I am.
My identity will be released to you,
In your final stages of research.
It is when you will realize as to "Who you are."
This will automatically answer, "Who I am".
Sai Darshan2.33

Wipe away your sins and earn My grace by:
1) Treating animals and birds with love.
2) Protecting the helpless.
3) Taking pity and forgiving the wicked.
4) Compassion for the physically sick.
And handicapped.
5) Not talking ill of others in their absence.
6) Welcoming the most unwelcome and receiving them.
7) Loving those who especially criticize you.
8) Offering food to the unfortunate and hungry.
9) Forgiving and forgetting all’s faults.
10) Sharing your riches with others.
11) Never ridiculing others’ beliefs of God.
12) Doing your duty without any complaints
13) Staying away from those who are upset by your presence.

14) Not giving way to temper.
15) Never being envious of others’ possessions,
Situations, or achievements.
16) Never betraying ones trust in you.
17) Standing up for that which is right.
18) Straying away from the untruth.
19) Carrying out every act with the knowledge
Of My presence.
20) Being Godward and rising above humanity
And becoming divine.

Be less human everyday
And walk onr Step towards divinity.
Every step taken
Will totally change the way You look at life,
Every step taken
Will take away your fear of being human,
And give you
More and more divine strength to become God.
Sai Darshan2.34
You and I are constantly engaged,
In a wrestling match within.
I wrestle with your senses.
I wrestle with your desires.
At times I am able to conquer them,
And establish My victory.
At other Times maya entices,
And I stay defeated.
Take the reins of your control over them,
And hand them over to Me.
With your faith and My love,
We can together end this wrestling match,
And stay above all yout weaknesses.
I have come here to give you the strength,
To stay undefeated at all times.
Sai Darshan2.35

To find Me, you have to be
Amongst those who know and believe
Of my presence at all times.
I encourage you
To be in Sathsang always
Surround yourself with those
Who have chosen to be truly Godward.
Be amongst those whose eyes show contentment.
Whose lips only utter sweet and comforting words
Whose acts show my indwelling with certainty
The mind has to be trained to be quiet,
And devoid of thoughts at all times.
Meditation has to be practiced daily,
As a sadhana to quiet the mind
God speaks only when the mind is queit.
Only when you lose your own identity, your egp,
And when you recognize
Your indwelling divinity within you

Sai Darshan2.36
One mind ,several thoughts.
One tongue, several languages.
One pair of hands, continual action.
One pair of eyes, a lot of dreams.
One pair ears, different kinds of musi.
One pair of feet, several paths.
One heart, various forms of love.
One God, present in each and every one.

Sai Darshan2.37
Make service a part of your life.
A part of you, as if it were your breath to live.
A part of you, as if it was your daily hygiene
To cleanse you.
A part of you, as if it were your rest, to relax you.
Service is something not done for others.
It is done primarily for your benefit,
For your gain to experience the bliss of divinity.
Serve selflessly, without a motive.
Do not look to see if others witness.
Serve only with one intention,
To give your love away to all those who need.
You can serve giving a kind smile.
You can serve by saying sweet words.
It does not need to be physically streneous.
An act done with pure love,
With no expectations in return,
In the knowledge of My presence
Is Service!
Serve all and reach Me through others
Sai Darshan2.38

Believe Me,
I am more eager of your spiritual progress,
Than you are yourself,
With hurdles and obstacles
That you welcome yourselves.
Due to your lack of control of your mind,
Which jumps to Me and then away,
You find your way for a few paces,
And then are lost again in the folly of falsehood.
You blame Me for your mishaps.
You curse Me when I disapprove of you,
And reject you for your dark nature
That you have developed.
The one word that I strongly enforce to you is
Wash off the dirt in your heart and change.
Wipe off the clouds of bad thoughts in your mind
And change
Grind out all the hatred, anger and envy
And "Change".
Toss and driving you insane and change
Change your way of living your life.
Change it from living for yourself.
Change it from now and live for Me!
Sai Darshan2.39
My biggest cure for those who are sick,
Is the love I pour on them.
This love is the most powerful antidpte.
It heals and it soothes.
It strengthens your will power to face it.
It even cures instataneously
Due to your faith in
My love for you.
Have compassion to those who need.
People today face all kinds of illnesses.
Physical, mental and spiritual illnesses,
Treat them with kindness, ignore their downfalls.
Due to their lack of health and faith.
Shower them with love.
Surround them with a feeling
Of how much you care.
Do not be like an unscrupulous doctor.
Who sells his compassion
And cures for a cetainfee.
Compassion must not be
A part of your professional attitude only.
It must be a part of your nature.
Your reward is seeing the joy you spread.
It is feeling the hearts you are able to melt.
And the biggest reward of all.
Is to be abke to capture with yyouyr acts.
My true adoration for you.
Sai Darshan2.40

You cannot put a price on love.
A love with a price on it is demonic love.
Divine love onlyknows to give. do not demean your true nature,
With a price tag on yourself.
True love is strong and upright as a mountain.
It faces the most terrifying storms.
It does not choose good from bad.
This is a love that uplifts all.
It smiles at hatred.
It humbly bows down before pride.
TRue love gives more when it detects jealousy
It does not retaliate to hatred.
It looks for no rewards or appreciation,
True love seeks the God in all,
And thrives on being devoted to Him always
Sai Darshan2.41
Charity is but giving a little more beyond your reach.
It is not only the giving pf money, foodm
Or any other kinds of material possessions.
I consider true charity,
When you are able togive
More and more of yourselves.,
Extending your services to where they are needed.
Giving anything whole heartedly
Is your best charity.
Materially, you must give away things.
That were never a part of you.
Spiritually, you must give away things,
That are meant to be shared..
I always give, I never take.
I do not own any material possessions
That I feel are to truly mine to give
But my treasures are filled with spirtual wealth,
That I have come to shower you with.
Accept my gifts
And in turn share them with others.
Stop holding on to useless perishables.
Take from Me that which lasts forever.
And carry those with you.
Till you end this journey with Me.
Sai Darshan2.42

When there is a call for money,
Your response is immediate.
You run miles and miles for it.
You desire it and even worship it at times.
You are enslaved by "money".
The rich today are getting richer in bad habits,
Poorer in spiritual gains.
They are suffering from
All kinds of physical ailments ,
Due to their irregular routines,
And anxieties as to how to earn more money.
The poor on the other hand ,
Are plunged in worries
For the lack of enough money.
They also lose their health
Due to their unhygienic conditions,
Poor food, diet which is deficient.
You are your own masters.
You can put an end to this slavery yourselves.
Take control and look for the real riches.
Realize and respond
To the call of my divine love instead.
When your response is immediate,
So is My Grace
Sai Darshan2.43
You conduct your life doing ungodly acts.
You face one failure after another.
Each failure takes you
Away from Me even further,
Due to your enormous ego
Which grows higher and higher.
Do you think you can carry out unjust acts,
And I will not intervene?
Ever time your ego rises, I stamp it even lower.
You tire with this war you wage with Me.
You cry and wail and indulge in self pity.
All those who accompanied you,
In your unjust acts also take off,
Leaving you all alone to face your karmas,
I will not come and help you,
Till I see true tears of repentance.
With every tear of repentance that falls,
I remove your miseries one by one .
You now begin to realize
That you are not alone after all!
Always remember
God is omnipresent, God is the sole witness.
God descends to wipe out injustices.
God forgives, God accepts.
And God loves! God loves! God loves!
Sai Darshan2.44
The behavioral pattern of a child
Is a combination of it’s surroundings.
It is a combination of his parents,
His relatives, his friends, his Guru.
My advice to you is,
That the parents themselves must be examples,
Of what they teach and enforce.
The children must be under the influence
Of the Guru, from a very young and tender age.
The goodness instilled within them by the parents
Along with the path that is taught by the Guru,
Influences the child to open his spiritual eyes,
To see and feel God and HIs omnipresence.
Once he realizes this he finds himself
Amidst a sea of God,
A sea that is eternal and replenished
With pure love of His.
Sai Darshan2.45

Some areas of land face torrential rains.
Other lands, on the other hand,
May face only occasional showers.
Some lands need these heavy rains,
To survive and be productive.
Some lands on the other hand need
Only scattered rains to produce a crop.
On some lands,
There are no floods due to heavy rains
The land absorbes the water and
Drains the rest due to it’s sloping surface
Other lands cannot face heavy rainfalls
As water stagnates and destroys the crop.
Compare this rainfall to My grace that descends.
Some receive an occasional shower.
Some souls nee dthis constant grace
For them to become Godward.
Others may take leaps and bounds towards Me
With a scattered amount.
Some souls receive My grace abundantly
And it does not affect their egos.
They do not get flooded with pride.
Others, when they receive too much,
May not use this grace to march forward,
But may get flooded in ego
And pride and become stagnant.
I always give whatever is needed .
Just enough to make you grow spiritually.
I do not want My grace itself to become a hindrance,
In your path back to Me.

Sai Darshan2.46
The more you dip your tea leaves
In hot boiling water,
The more color it absorbs,
The more strength the tea gains.
Similarly, the more you dive into spirituality,
The more of My form you begin to attain,
The more of My strength you receive.
Drink this cup of tea
Everyday in the morning,
And let it awaken you
From the deep sleep,
Energize you from your spiritual laziness.
Start your day with Me.
And I promise you that I will fill the rest
With My sweetness.
Sai Darshan2.47

Just like a sugar syrup,
Which is concentrated with its sugar,
I am a syrup that is concentrated with divine love.
Just like when anything unsweet
Dipped in the sugar syrup
Automatically soaks in it and becomes sweet,
In the same way, soak yourselves in My divinelove
And become filled with this pure love
To give to others
And when you give it to others,
It comes back to Me.
Sai Darshan2.48

When I stand beforeyou,
I inspire you to emerge your talents,
That are latent within you.
To some, I make them a singer
Of the names of the Lord.
To others , I inspire to write poetry
Describing the Lord Himself.
To some, I inspire
To read the toughest spiritual texts
And comprehend them.
To others I inspire to serve others,
Through Me that is awakening within them.
Make a strenuous spiritual effort
To call Me and to make Me appear before you.
To create these talents and use your body,
To spread My name from corner to corner.
Sai Darshan2.49

When a white paint is added to a black paint,
The black lightens to a dark grey.
When more white is added to the dark grey,
It turns to a lighter shade of grey.
As more white is added, the black in it diminishes,
And it comes to a point, the black becomes white.
In the same way, consider Me to be the white paint,
And you being black paint,
With every little to Me added to you
Your dark karmas begin to lessen,
And your true nature slowly begins to reveal.
The more you add Me into your life,
The impurity diminishes,
Leaving you more pure each time.
At a point , all the black will be transformed to white.
And all the "Myness" will merge into the "Oneness".

Sai Darshan2.50
I consider you a successful gardener.
Even if one seed germinates to become a plant.
I do not look for quantity.
I look for your quality of devotion.
When one seed germinates into a plant,
You know that this plant one day
Will also become a big tree.
The tree will give a lot more seeds.
And one day , you will be given a chance.
To germinate these seeds once again.
Do not be in a rush
To sow different kind of seeds
Together ,in one season.
Nurture one plant at a given time.
Give it all your love and care.
And to your surprise,
One day you will find/
A beautiful garden has emerged.
And each plant in it is healthy and strong.
Each plant has spread its roots
And establishsed it’s domain,
The seed is devotion.
The roots are your faith.
And the healthy plant is the awakened soul.
Sai Darshan2.51

Anxiety is a disease that leaves you
Devoid of peace.
Your mind races with thoughts of fear.
It leaves you restless and agitated.
Today a lot of you suffer from this illness.
You are anxious of your children’s future.
You worry about your jobs and family life.
Some of you are even anxious
When you visit Swami.
You are anxious
If I was able to see you during Darshan.
You are anxious for an interview.
With a result you double your anxieties
When you leave from Puttaparthi
Fear arises when there is lack of surrender.
You want Me to run your lives,
But you hold the reins tightly in your hands.

Your mind thinks one, your words say another,
Leaving your actions confused.
You have different identities filled in one person.
Focus on what you truly believe.
The biggest injustice you do to yourselves,
Is to deceive your own self.
If you have chosen to be Godward,
Follow it !
Follow it by mind , words and actions.
Once there is synchrony in these
You will be less confused,
And your anxieties
Will become a part of your past only
Sai Darshan2.52
Your best friends and your biggest enemies
Are all within you.
They are both enclosed in your mind,
Your thoughts!
When these thoughts speal to you,
With Me as their sole focus,
They become your best friend.
They show qualities of true loyalty to you.
They are filled with good intentions for you.
And most of all, they do the important task of
Directing you to Me.
But when these thoughts speak to you,
With "YOu" as their sole focus
They become your biggest enemy.
They hurt others and most of all,
Hurt "Me" within you.
They create chaos and restlessness.
You lose your sanity and sense of peace.
And most important of all, you lose your way,
In thhis deep, dense forest,
And become and easy victim,
To the hunger of the wild ferocious animals
That surround you.
Sai Darshan2.53
When stare at
The ripples in a flowing river,
It creates an illusion of movement,
You feel yourself move,
Along with the direction of the water.
When you close your eyes and open them again,
You find yourself standing in the same place.
You had not moved at all!
Itwas only an illusion.
In the same way ,
When you concentrate on this world ,
Your outer senses, inner senses, desires and ego.
Move in the direction of this unreality or maya.
But when you close your eyes and meditate,
On the form of the Lord, you find
That your inner true self has not moved.
It remains stationary and stays unchanged.
Any illusion can become a reality,
Any reality an illusion,
So stay inward.
Discover reality.
And be untouched by this illusion.
Sai Darshan2.54

You see Me in visions.
You see Me in dreams,
I stand before you in your waking state(vision)
And prove My omnipresence to you.
I come into your dreams,
To wake you from your deep slumber,
And to grant you the dreams of Me.
In your dreams,
I make them a reality.
But when you awaken from this reality,
Into the unreality,
You think of My appearance
As a mere dream.
You again tie yourself
With the ropes of maya
And stand before Me, confused and full of doubts.
Do not doubt My Darshans.
Do not deprive yourself of Me constantly.
I have given you My word,
To be yopur Mother for all your births.
My word is never untrue,
And my Darshan is not a dream!
YOu pray, He wills, I come!
Sai Darshan2.55

When you are infant,
You depend on your parents,
As a young child,
You start to depend on friends and your teachers
As an adult,
You depend upon the life partner you choose.
And when you are old,
You depend on your children.
You depend on those all your life,
Who are very much
Dependent on something themselves.
In the last moments of your life,
You then turn to Me.
Time is short, body is frail,
You lose physical and spiritual strengtha,
Your old habits become very hard to die.
You are not able to find My strength.

Even though I offer it to you at all times.
Do not waste your divinity in every life.
Start early in life.
Depend on God!
The nature of God is
To give strength and to give only!
The strength to love.
The strength to truth.
The strength of Dharma.
The strength of peace.
Remember always
God’s companionship stays always.
Develop your friendship with Him early in life,
And hold HIs hand until you leave this body.
He will then carry you the rest of the way.
Sai Darshan2.56

The sun rises everyday.
It never fails in its duty
It nourishes amd sustains all living forms.
We depend upon it’s light and warmth.
Without the sun, all life forms would fail and die.
Let Me be the sun in your life.
A sun that rises, but never sets.
I will give you the warmth of My love,
I will spread around you the light of My knowledge
In your life, there will be only day and no night,
There will be only awakening
And no more ignorance of sleep
With this energy
You will grow more and moter spiritually.
I have come today to be by your side.
To make you recognize God.
To teach you God
And to realize God!

Sai Darshan2.57
To hide one untruth uttered
Leads to several other lies
To conceal one fault of yours
You have to pretend to cover
Several others that lead to the fault.
To be hypocritical of your opinion once,
You constantly have to be someone else.
When you join in talks that criticize others
You bind your tongue to unpleasant conversations.
When you lauh at other’s weaknesses.
You lose your own strength to improve yourselves,
Look at what you have made,
Of something within you
That was all pure and divine
You live in conflict with yourself
Disagreements between
Your true self and your ego
Will only cause one disaster after another.
Make peace with your true self
Drop off this ego that has only become a menace.
There is only one voice within, which is true.
Find it, Listen to it. Act upon it.
Be pure and earn My Grace.

Sai Darshan2.57
Look for the eyes of the Guru
The eyes that are a way to love,
A love that seeks no attention,
Expects no awards.
A love that which is so tender,
That will melt one and all.
These eyes speak
A hundred and more silent words.
They hold within them the vision of creation.
When they look at you,
They will emit out a light
That will swallow all the darkness.
It will guide you to a path
That knows all right and no wrong.
Look for these eyes,
Hold on tightly to His feet,
And know that you are saved.

Sai Darshan2.59
I call you my true devotee,
Only when you devote each and every moment
With your heart and soul to Me.
I always say "Time is God".
Every minute wasted
Is a minute taken away from Me.
I want you to
Eat with Me .
Work with Me
Play with Me.
And sleep with Me.
Time waits for none.
It continues to move on
And establishes its victory over all .
Let Me become the hands of your clock,
And move with you at all times,
Then even when time runs out on you,
You will not haveany regrets,
Of time you could have used to be with Me
So do whatever it takes to be with Me.
And end this bondage with time
Into a timeless one with Me

Sai Darshan2.60
When your mind is filled
With thoughts that are sad,
The sadness follows in your words and actions,
Leaving all those around you
Limp with your sadness.
The feeling of sadness, anger, frustration
Occurs due to lack of faith
It is more of a lack of faith on yourselves,
Than in Me.
Most of you do not even know Me.
Those of you who think that you know Me,
Develop bigger egos and fall into bigger traps.
Some of you want to know of Me
In a short span of time.
And of course when this fails,
They get even more desperate
Than when they had started their quest for Me.
Those who truly know Me,

Experience Me with total faith.
They do not present Me
Their terms, conditions and challenges.
With faith in one hand and patience in the other,
They join their hands in front of Me,
And allow Me to steer their boat,
The boat which sails, in the direction of the winds,
The winds of My divine love
Which can sail over
The stormiest oceans of illusions.

Sai Darshan2.61
Patience is a virtue which when developed,
Makes you stronger mentally and spiritually.
When you deal with patience to anger,
You automatically reduce the anger within you.
You are able to overlook others’ weaknesses.
And develop new strengths that lacked within you.
Patience makes your mind
Calm and less excitable.
It makes you a better listener
And avoids arguments.
But to develop this patience,
You need and inspiration,
The belief and faith of God present at all times.
When such faith is developed
You know that sooner or later, God will in tervene.
In unfavourable situations, bail you out.
You do not see the need to react

Under any circumstances.
In everyone’s life there comes a point,
When he is filled with a sense of disgust,
To face the uncertainties of life.
He then goes to look for peace,
And in his search, finds God.
For the peace he finds in Him.
This love slowly builds the patience.
YOu need to seek your true self.
Ultimately, when you please Him,
With the strength of your faith
And persevering patience,
He reveals Himself to you,
And you find peace forever.

Sai Darshan2.62
If a mother gives attention to her child,
At every fall of his,
The child becomes a weak individual.
He becomes lazy, and remains demanding,
Loses his capacity to self realize.
In the same way, I as your mother,
May sometimes allow you to fall,
And not prevent you from making mistakes.
I allow you to cry your tears in desperation,
And then with My Grace that I shower,
I watch you stand up
With courage
And take control over your fears and your desires.
You march forward, you conquer.
You then realize that you were rescued again.
Rescued from being enslaved
By your own inner enemies.
I then stand before you to encourage you again,
To stand up and begin the fight all over again.

Sai Darshan2.63
Once a man stood in the middle of the road.
His head looked up to the sky.
His eyes were filled with tears,
As he continuously stared at one spot
And repeated "Oh God", from time to time.
A man passed him by,
Looked at the man who stared at the sky,
And curiously stood behind him.
He looked up at the same spot in the sky,
And wondered what vision of God the man saw.
When another man passed the two men
Who looked up in the sky,
He too joined in the line,
And stared and wondered,
As to what is it these two men were able to see.
To him the clouds above seemed
To be shaped like Lord Shiva Himself.
"May be this is a Darshan of the Lord", he thought.

Soon there was a big line of men
Starting up at the sky.
Finally one man who passed looked at the queue,
And asked the last man as to what he saw.
He said he was not sure,
So he asked the man in front.
This went on until the first man
Who was still staring up was asked,
"What is it, Sir, that you are able to envision?"
The man with tears in his eyes replied,
"My neck is terribly strained,
And I am unable to move."
All of a sudden the queue dispersed
And the men moved on disappointed.
Do not try to experience Me throught another.
You will always face disappointments.
I come to each one of you directly.
Do not believe or develop faith
By experiencing others’ faith in God.
Come and experience Me directly.

Can a child from the third standard
Teach a child in the second standard?
No! He will be able to answer
Only some of his questions.
He himself is in school waiting to get his degree.
You must be taught directly by the teacher.
The teacher himself is qualified
And has gone through
All these levels to be able to teach.
So find and dig your own path to Me.
If you depend upon others faith,
And if that person loses faith in Me,
It will automatically affect your faith in Me.
So approach your Guru directly.
Do not be influenced
By others faiths and experiences
To Me, each and every one of you are special,
And my relationship with each one of you
Is a unique and endearing one
Sai Darshan2.64
I want from you
A love that is the form of truth.
A love that feels truly for others.
A love that gives, gives, gives!
A love that serves Me in others.
A love that sees Me constantly
A love that knows no fear.
A love that is content and peaceful
A love with persevering patience.
A love that endures all and blames none.
A love that smiles in all sorrows.
A love of firm faith in God.
A love that welcomes Me in all forms,
A love that knows to surrender.
A love that is pure and untainted
Give Me this love,
And will open the doors to your prison.
And give you your freedom forever.

Sai Darshan2.65
Ointments and bandages can be soothing,
But love can heal instantly.
Food can appease your hunger,
But love can fill you
With divine energy that carries you
Far beyond thatn your physical needs.
Water can quench your thirst,
But love is a nectar that flows within you
And fills you with sweetness.
Money can buy you jewels and precious stones,
But love gives you
Peace and contentment no money can buy.
On ething I have come to say ,
"Love pleases all, even God Himself!"
When you reach at the level of giving love,
At all times and in every situation,
You have reached the level of God.

Sai Darshan2.66
You seem to live a dual life today.
One of which is a pretence to please Me,
And the other is a life you live for yourselves.
The soul within you has only one true nature,
It recognizes God and no one else.
I do not answer to your pretenses,
And I do not interrupt you r egotistical way of life.
You seem to want to be happy on one hand
One the otherhand,
You download yourselves with sufferings.
You see your goals in one direction,
But I see you walk in just the opposite.
Stop this lunacy you have developed.
Your soul and mind are both diseased,
And you seem to think that you are the doctor!
Do not be satisfied
With the temporary relief you feel with medications.
Work on completely removing the disease
You suffer from,
The disease of dwelling on the "I"
Cure yourself from this "I"
And let there be only "Sai!Sai!Sai!"

Sai Darshan2.67
A diamond today,
Is considered most precious of gem stones.
It is white, pure and clearand shines,
Under the influence of an external light source.
But a diamond is not found in this form.
It lays as a dull stone
Covered with various impurities in the ground.
You have to go deep down to mine for it.
Once they are found,
They go through various processes
Of cleaning, washing, cutting
To bring out the brilliance in the stone.
Once the diamond is ready,
It then only becomes ready,
To be adorned as a piece of jewelry.
In the same way, you too are a diamond.
Your divinity is present,
But it is covered with all the dirt and impurities,
You have accumulated over it.
It is only when you start the cleansing process,
The divinity within gives a peep of its brilliance
The more the purifying, the more the light emerges.
And when in th eend, you become the light.
You merge into the bigger light,
And shine within it forever.

Sai Darshan2.68
Internally, you live with God.
Externally, you face the world.
The voice from within prompts the truth.
But you face evil, ego props up and truth fails.
The light of hope burns bright from within,
But storms rush, the light flickers and hope fuses.
The strength of faith slowly wants to awaken.
But doubts, envy and confusions surround,
And faith crushes.
The stream of love flows
And wants to spread its sweetness.
But hatred and jealousy obstruct the flow,
Leaving you face a drought.
Close your eyes to the outside world.
Open them inward.
Outside vision can see no God.
Inward vision is God!

Even today when you travel to Shirdi or Parthi,
You face all kinds of
Physical and mental turbulations.
YOu feel tired physically from your journeys.
You experience anger and frustrations.
You inflict pain on your loved ones,
Who travel with you.
But your goal through all these is focused on
Reaching your destination,
Taking Darshan and collecting prasadam.
Consider your life to be a pilgrimage.
During your journey, you also face ups and downs.
You experience pain and miseries.
But if you focus your goal
To become God or reach God
You will one day reach your destination
Find Me and collect from Me
The prasadam I always give,
Divine love for you and peace forever.

Do not get attached to one form of God.
Initially it starts as an attraction to the form.
Attraction turns to dependence to that form.
Dependence turns to
A selfish attachment to the form,
And the selfish attachment horrifying ly
Turns to an obsession.God is not your possession.
God belongs one and all.
God’s Grace may down on you today,
And on another tomorrow.
Attach yourselves to all the various forms,
I take around you.
All of you are under the impression of seeing Me.
When you c ome to Puttaparthi
Let Me tell you that I visit you everyday.
In your homes, work places.
I speak to you, through your thoughts,
I fill your heart with love.
But how many of you recognize Me
And welcome Me?
Do not waste your time by planning
A few visits with Me in your life.
I want you to spend the rest of your life with Me.
Look for Me everyday
Infact everyhour every minute,And every second
You will see that I stand before you, at all times.

Sai Darshan2.71
Do not be wasteful in your habits.
Anything wasted
Is depriving another needy in the world.
Use everything sparingly as much as you need only
If you have or possess anything excessive,
Learn to share them with others.
Wasting shows you to be
Inconsiderate towards others,
And it is a very selfish attitude.
All has been given to you
By the Grace of God only.
Throwing awat His gifts
Is throwing away Grace of His.
Be thankful everyday to Him for all that you have,
And help those who, due to their karmas
Face certain inadequacies in life.
Encircle them in the embrace of love.
I give you an opportunity to help them.
To help you to attain Me through them.

You mingle in society today
And discuss news you read in news papers.
In fact, you grade one’s intelligence
With his knowledge of world happenings.
What yse is it to know all and do nothing.
YOu waste your time in reading trash.
You further waste more time,
Then gossipping about it.
Is this the type of life you have decided to lead?
The world will not improve,
By simply pointing fingers at each other.
Spend your time instead
Reading the old Hindu texts
Read and understand the Upanishad
Given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna
In the battlefield of Kurukshetra.
Use this knowledge and go out to the world
And spread the message of all the Avatars
By being examples yourselves
Seek God, find God know God,
Believe God, practice God
Spread God, and become God.

Television and cinemas today are like snakes,
Spreading their venom amongst you,
Who become the victims.
Watching them blindfolds you even further,
It influences your thoughts to become agitated,
Which is followed by your words and actions.
The mind is affected by the violence, bad speechAnd all others you see,
Leaving you to be a very nstable person.
The youth of today nare the leaders of tomorrow.
How can this youth lead our country
With sych chaotic minds?
The first step to change is
To get rid of their improper addictions.
Believe Me, you were born without them,
So you can definitely live without them.
I want you to rebel against these bad habits.
Be determined to change your course.
I can show you the way,
I can even lead you the way,
But I cannot walk for you.
Keep your minds healthy and strong,
Because when the mind gets diseased,
You will lose yourself and lose God

You can be compared to a car,
And I am your destination.
When you first start your journey,
You know the shortest possible route
To get to your destination
To start the car
You have to turn the ignition (thoughts)
With your foot
On the accelerator (devotion for God)
And with your other foot
slowly releasing the clutch (release of desires)
The car being in the first gear
(Your first steps towards God
Slowly the gears shift
To the second, third,fourth(Quicker steps Godward).

When your moves fast, you have to be careful,
Of the other hindrances on the road.
You have to keep your eye on the road,
Watch for stop lights,sharp turns
(Hurdles to your way toward God)
The road to your destination is rarely a straight one
It could be a straight, short road,
Only if you already lived close to your destination
(Your soul was alreadyvery close to Gods)
You may face rains and storms on the way
(Payments of your own karmas)
It may blur your vision momentaruly,
But know that the skies ahead are clear.
Be a good driver, and
Start early, drive slowly, and reach safely to Me.

God approaches all,
From saints to the biggest sinners.
He comes when He sees true repentance.
When He sense your disgust
For your own way of life.
When He sees that You have called upon Him
For a long time and have been patient
When He sees you struggle
On the path of your faith and devotion .
When He sees you lost and hopeless.
When He sees you
Suffer a big tragedy with strength,
When He sees the effort you make
To continusly fight with your inner enemies
When He sees that
You have kept the doors of your heart
Always open to welcome Him.
Then God comes. He walks into your heart.
Builds HIs home and stays there.

I have taken a human form,
To be able to communicate with you,
In an easier and more understandable way.
I have come to approach
Each and every one of you separately,
And give you the love and guidance.
You need to become Godward
My approach to each one of you
Is separate and unique.
I am determined to transform you.
That is My mission
Success is My flag
Truth is my symbol.
Strength of righteousness is the holder of My flag.
And I am love
To love is what I teach,
And love is what I want you to become.

Do not think that your troubles are over.
Once you have come to know Me.
In fact, your troubles have just begun,
There is a constant internal battle within you.
Once you take a few steps towards Me.
The God within you slowly bewgins to emerge.
Does not allow you to justify your acts.
I begin to haunt you, when your actions are wrong.
You sometimes attain peace
For a temporary period
And then get restless, as I watch you constantly
You begin to learn to live in God’s presence.
Your ego props up in front of Me, several times,
I teach you to crush it.
You feel pain at first.
But the pain eventually turns to sweetness
So come, leave all your belongings
And learn to live with Me.

When you make arrangements
To travel to another part of the world
You have to make certain arrangements.
You have to plan the travel ahead.
You need a valid passport.
You also need a visa
To the country you wish to visit.
You also need a ticket to reach the destination.
In the same way
To come to my side of the world,
You too have to make arrangements.
You have to focus on your goal and concentrate
To make your travel successful,
You have to renounce all attachments.
You have to surrender your ego,
And you have to let love become your nature.
When you attain the above documents,
I welcome you to My world,
Where there is no return ticket.

Sai Darshan2.79
Do not take an advantage of others’ goodness to you
Do not expect something from others
That you cannot give.
Accept any kind of help given to you with a smile
With a sense of gratitude and reverence.
Do not criticize others’ service given to you
You have no right to grade one’s love to you
Everyone shows love in their own unique way.
A father’s love is different from a husband’s love.
They stand firm in their own separate grounds.
They are incomparable.
Expectations from others will only hurt you.
They will make you bitter and sour toward life.
Time waits for none and life is short.
So give up your differences and unite in your love.

When you worry,
You show your lack of faith in Me.
When you are jealous,
You say that I am partial to one,
More than another.
When you are sad,
You make your sufferings look real.
When you are filled with hatred,
You demean your true nature.
When you depend on others,
You show your lack of trust in My loyalty.
When you shows signs of frustration,
You depict imatience in My justice.
When you are violent, you have lost your divinity.
Strayed from humanity and become an animal.
Show Me instead,
A strong character that never fails,
Unshakable faith that stirs the earth,
Patience that persevers
in the most trying circumstances,
Lifelong loyalty with Me, no matter what you hear,
Sweetness and gentleness
To even those who can drive you insane,
A confident smile that knows of My ominpresence,
A warm and loving heart
That soothes all and wins Me.

A heart that knows only love
A heart that knows no malice,
A heart that cries for others’ sufferings
A heart that welcomes all.
Is a heart that says My name,
Is a heart that sings My glory,
Is a heart that serves all My forms,
Is a heart that is My sweetheart.

It is best to learn from your mistakes.
When you realize your own mistakes,
You sincerely burn in the fire of repentence.
And it takes you one step forward towards perfection
Thinking yourself to be perfect,
Is the biggest imperfection of all.

Sai Darshan2.83
The truth never changes.
It always remains the same.
Truth is brave, it knows no fear.
Truth is simple, it seeks no complications.
Truth is direct, it feels no pain.
Truth is vitory, it faces no defeats.
A lie weaves a web of several others.
It binds you and deceives others.
It makes you have several identities.
You forget who you really are.
Who are you? You are truth!
Nothing more. Nothing less.

I have come to drive away your fears.
Your fear of adhering to truth.
Your fear of being alone.
Your fear of My presence.
Your fear of slipping and falling.
Your fear of your belief in a God
Your fear of becoming lost.
Your fear of death.
Your fear of life.
Your fear of love.
These fears have become
A big part of your lunacy.
Have only one fear,
The fear of karma.
Karma spares none.
You cannot pay it in credits.
The law of karma expects its payments on time.
Be Godfearing of your karmas,
But do not fear God.

Do not live your life on anothers’ expectations
Live life to My expectations.
You then learn life is not to expecg anything.
Life is given you to give.
Expectations hurt, giving heals.
Expectations disappoint,
Giving relieves.
Expectation is to be human. Giving is divine.
Give up being human and attain Me.

In your journey to travel from you to Me,
You need not pack your bags.
In fact, leave all your baggage behind.
You need not make any arrangements.
I have made them long ago.
You do not need a travel companion.
I travel with you always.
You do not need to pay mein cash.
Your payment is in currency of faith and patience.
Duty with love.
Service with humility.
A pure heart with My name.
Your payments are not up front.
You give them to Me along the way.
Finish your payments, and end your loan.
Break your hesitation and start your journey.
Sai Darshan2.87

Offer Me a shawl in which,
The threads show the strength of your faith.
The weaving of these threads
Show your perseverance.
The final cloth of silk
Showing the softness of your compassion.
The folding of the pleats
Showing the bending of your ego.
The color of the cloth bright as the color of life.
Sew on it the beads of devotion.
Trim it all around with the lace of service.
Pour the glitterof love on it.
Let it shine!Bright with its beauty.
Reveal the inner divinity that lies within.
Offer Me a shawl, My child,
In which I see My image.

Sai Darshan2.88
I do not run after the things you run after.
Once you are under My protection,
I will only give you what you need.
You may get frustrated and you may lose patience.
You may even dwindle on your faith in Me.
But that does not deter Me.
I am your Mother, I will not encourage your folly.
A child may cry at first,
When his mother refuses
To buy him an expensive toy,
But can he stay angry with his mother,
All hia life for that?
You too cannot stay angry with Me for too long
My love binds you to Me.
That is all your really need.

Sai Darshan2.89
When you become parents
You give your children
All your love and protection .
You give them all your knowledge.
And understanding in life.
One day you hope when they grow up.
They will use this education
And will better themselves.
But when they do not rise to your expectations
You hurt within and are deeply disappointed.
You hope one day,
They will realize the importance of your words
And be winners in all that they do
I too am your parent,
And face your failures with the hope,
That one day you will realize
The importance of My words,
And will rise above your humanness
And become divine.
Sai Darshan2.90

For you to start your process of purification,
You need an inspiration.
Your perfect model of this inspiration
Is God Himself.
Make God your inspiration,
God your thoughts, words and actions,
God your companion,
God your mother and father,
God your life partner,
And God your goal.

Sai Darshan2.91
When You say, "I love God,"
To me you say that you have burnt hatred.
You have melted anger.
You have risen above envy and jealousy
You have stamped your ego.
You have attained control
Over your senses, mind and intellect.
You see no difference
Between happiness and misery.
You have no worry and only peace.
You need none other than God.
You are not attached, yet you are duty bound.
Every cell of you experiences Me
In the form of love.
You have become Him.
Sai Darshan2.92

Learn to live with God.
Be aware of Him at all times.
Be attached to none other than Him
Live by His rules.
Become a perfect human.
Become God! Become Love!
Sai Darshan2.93

Come to see Me ,
With an empty mind
With a heart full of love
With a smile of faith.
With no expectations.
Accept My love and blessings in the way,
I think is best for you
Come on aboard.
And let Me take you,
On this journey of peace.
Sai Darshan2.94

Value this birth.
Value this life.
Value the God within.
And know that death ends only the body.
The atma stays untouched.
It only continues its journey,
From one birth to another.
Atma id life.
Life is God.
Let God fill you with life,
And you fill your life with God.

Sai Darshan2.95
When your mind echos my voice,
I respond.
When your eyes cry tears of love,
I respond.
When your tongue chants only My name,
I respond.
When your hands serve with all selflessness,
I respond.
When your feet only want to walk towards Me,
I respond.
When your heart beats Sai,Sai,...
I respond.
I arrive.
I melt with your love.
I will only bless for your love
It is love that I seek.
It is only your love that will take you back with Me.
Sai Darshan2.96

Be like the petal of a flower,
Soft with compassion.
Bright with the knowledge of your divinity.
Fragrant with pure love.
Offer this flower at My feet,
And adorn Me.
Sai Darshan2.97

Discipline your life with love
Life is the origin of love.
Love is the basis of life.
Love is birth.
Life is the birthplace.
Love is your sanity.
Life is the media.
Love is the current.
Life is the light.
Love life,
And only live to love.
Sai Darshan2.98

When you take one step towards Me,
You have taken a hundred towards God.
When you have looked into My eyes,
You have just had a glance of the whole universe.
When you place your head at My feet,
You have begun to be
Less human and more divine.
When you have heard Me speak,
You have just listened to all the relifgious scriptures.
Come and see Me.
Understand Me.
Trust Me.
Start your reading with the first chapter,
And I will help you to finish the rest.

Sai Darshan2.99
A little hesitation and I stay away.
A little fear and I stay away.
A little anger and stay away.
A little envy and I stay away.
A little effort from you and I will come.
I will guide.
I will protect.
I only look for your efforts.
I do not respond to your complaints.
I do not respond to your praise.
I respond to your sincere determination
To reach Me always.

Sai Darshan2.100
When you begin to build your home,
You lay below a strong foundation.
You construct on it sturdy walls,
And place a roof that is resistant
To all weather conditions.
In the same way, to develop Godhood,
You must lay a foundation of strong character,
You must have walls of sturdy faith,
And the roof of love
That withstands all circumstances.
Only after you have built your house,
You can appreciate its beauty.
In the same way,
Only when the divinity within you
Begins to emerge slowly,
You begin to realize its beauty.

Sai Darshan2.101
As I walk amongst you today,
I come to enrich you,
Enrich you with the knowledge
Of the self,
I come to you,
To identify yourselves to you,
To make you realize the commonness
Of you and of each one around you,
The commonness between you and Me
Divine Love!

Sai Darshan2.102
When you ask Me for blessings,
Ask Me for the biggest of all,
The blessings of Me always being there with you.
You will then never feel the pain of separation.
You will avoid all unnecessary travel,
All the unnecessary rush to reach Me,
All stress and pain.
Do not limit Me to one place.
I am present everywhere at all times.
Know and realize that
There is no distance between us.
Sai Darshan2.103
You think of Me sometimes,
You pray to Me sometimes.
You want to be near Me sometimes.
You seek My blessings sometimes
But let Me tell you,
I desire to be near you, with you always.
It is only when you will desire,
To be with Me at all times too,
You and I will merge.

Sai Darshan2.104
When a plane takes off,
It checks for enough fuel,
To complete its journey,
Or else it crash lands.
You too must equip yourselves
With sufficient fuel,
The fuel of faith and spiritual determination
To reach Me,
Or else you too will crash land.

Sai Darshan2.105
When you walk at times
You may step on dirt.
Even the slightest speck of dirt stains you
You may step in a puddle.
Even the smallest amount of water
Will leave you wet and uncomfortable
Do not ignore this dirt.
Reject it and be aware of it at all times
It will only slow down your journey.
My advice to you,
Stay clean, Stay simple, stay sweet.

Sai Darshan2.106
You have all fallen in a routine today.
A way of life that has killed you within.
A way of life that is simply lazy,
And without any virtue.
When you have come to Me,
To celebrate your New Year’s Day,
Make a pledge to Me,
To change your way of living your life.
You live for yourselves constantly,
But when you are in My presence,
I will not allow you to do that.
Life is to love and to live for others.
How empty is the word,
Others your priority,
Others your family,
And give yourselves
A new life each today.

Sai Darshan2.107
Just believing in My omnipresence,
Will make yoiur journey shorter.
Reading books, studying discourses and videos,
Will only give you My limited companionship.
It is only a start.
Do not let that become
Your only media to know Me.
I am present all around,
In each and every one of you
I talk to you, I guide you, I protect you.
Know Me best through this media
You will attain peace
By realizing My omnipresence.
You feel restless to get to Me,
Only because you limit Me.
I have no limit
I can reach you any time any place.

Sai Darshan2.108
If I wish you can be before Me instantly.
If I wish your life can change dramatically.
If I wish you can attain God in no time.
But for Me to wish that,
You first have to melt My heart.
Melt it with your devotion.
Melt it with your love.
Melt it with your selflessness.
Melt it with your perseverance.
Melt it with your unahakable faith.
Once you pul the strings to My heart,
I run and lodge Myself in you

Sai Darshan3.1
A God that is visible,
In you and in all.
A God that speaks,
In you and in all.
A God that guides,
In you and in all.
A God that teaches,
In you and all.
A God that loves,
In you and all.
God arises and emerges,
Shines forth and reveals itself,
Only when all within is clean,
Only when all within is calm,
And only when all becomes love.
It is time for you shake off your laziness,
Rise above all your inhibitions,
Ignore all your likes and dislikes.
And wake up your God within.
It is time for you to rise,
And shine in the light of your true divinity.
God is not born and God does not die.
God has only one form, one language
And one vision,

Sai Darshan3.2
Your thirst for God
Makes you search for Him.
But God cannot be found
Without true sincerity,
Without firm determination.
Without softness and purity,
And most of all, without His Grace.
Once you truly know of Him,
Your thirst to seek Him increases.
And once you have found Him,
Your thirst quenches,
You are contented and peaceful,
You stand amidst the ocean of God.
Today, tomorrow and always.
Know that and dive deep.
You can never drown in this ocean.
I am always there to save you.

Sai Darshan3.3
Love is like an infection.
Once infected with love for the divine,
The more it spreads .
This is the most healthiest infection of all.
Those who are not infected,
Are the ones who are sick.
It is malignant and the infection itself is the cure.
It spreads from the sweet words of the ear,
To the peaceful vision of the eyes,
To the nectar speech of the tongue,
To the humble actions of the hands,
And to the warmness of devotion of the heart.
Divine love has no bars,
Of caste ,creed,race,religion,
Of rich or poor.
It is a gift that is bestowed in abundance to all.
YOu are now suffering
From the sickness of "Myness".
Turn this "Myness" to ‘Ourness".
Nothing truly belongs to you.
All relationships end,
All posssessions wither,
All egos are trampled,
All worldly riches are expendable,
Except for the riches I have come to give.

Of divine Love
Your true nature and your only treasure

Sai Darshan3.4
You can experience anger for one moment,
And in that one moment, you can lose the world.
Anger is pride, anger is ego.
It is a self-defensive mechanism,
Which is self destructive.
Remember ,
All that is done in anger,
Can never be undone.
You will only suffer in the agony of repentance,
But the damage done is permanent.
It inflicts pain on ones you love.
It leaves you feeling exhausted and restless.
Do notn lose control, becoming an animal.
Make me My name your strength,
My name your ideal,
My name your practice.
Take control of yourselves, and your lives.
Forget your body,
Forget your senses,
Forget your mind,
And only remember Sai

Sai Darshan3.5
Practice to develop awareness of God,
In all waking and sleeping states.
God should not be limited.
To the time of your prayers.
God is limitless.
God is omnipresent.
Develop the Sadhana
To see me in all.,
At all times,
In all you do.
That is true knowledge
And My true reality.

Sai Darshan3.6
Let me take the responsibility
To bring you back home.
Why are you insistent to find your own way?
Taste the sweetness of surrender.
Surrender to Me and unburden yourselves.
All is My work and all is Me.
Why do you fear to surrender?
Are you not living infear even today?
Fear of your past!, fear of your present!,
And fear of your future!
Why do you choose to live in such uncertainty?
Surrender to Me and know for certain,
That you are saved forever.
No more worries and no more pains.
YOu will only taste the sweetness
Of the Divine hands holding yours firmly.

SAi Darshan3.7
On a carpet that is already black in color,
A little amount of dirt is not visible.
But if the carpet id white in color,
A little speck of dirt becomes conspicupus.
When I start your purification process,
I become harder on you.
The closer you come to Me,
Te more I expect of you.
So do not be disheartened if I test you,
If I scold you, if I surround you with worries,
If I instruct you a little more stricter,
If I appear to ignore you,
I do this only because I exspect
Progress more rapid of you
I love all equally, but I treat all differently.
Do not judge Me.
Only acccept Me and My ways.

Sai Darshan3.8
When you have determination to reach God,
It must be accompanied with patience.
Wihtout patience it will only lead to frustration.
Be patient and love God,
Simply for the reason of pure love.
Do not expect His Grace.
Grace comes only when He wills,
And only at the right time.
It will pour abundantly one day.
But in the meantime, you muat work hard on
Your faith on Him,
Your determination to reach Him,
Your patience and perseverance and
Your sincere love for Him.
God gives all, and expects nothing.
You too are God, learn to give, give, give......
Sai Darshan3.9
Live amongst others and doyour worldly duties.
But know that your life is only Mine.
Realize all your actions are Mine.
It is Me that does, and you that obeys.
It is Me that commands and you that obeys.
It is Me that prompts and you that speaks.
It is Me that dictates and you that writes.
Then ask who is this Me and who is this you?
Ask yourselves,
"What is our relationship?"
Is it mother and child?
Or Guru and disciple?
Or God and devotee?
Or may be are we one?!!

Sai Darshan3.10
When I direct you, I do it directly.
I do not instruct you,
Depending on others actions and words.
I do not encourage retaliating or revenge on others.
Whatever others may say or do,
I exect tolerance from you and
No reactions towards them.
Nothing wrong done is excusable.
There are no circumstances in the world,
That can make you free to behave badly.
All done towards others must have only one reaction,
To be loving, to be helpful and not to be hurtful.
If you look upon Me as your ideal, as your Guru
You must be able to reflect Me only.
At all times.

Sai Darshan3.11
If your faith in Me is strong,
If your intent to seek Me is sincere,
If your heart is soft and pure,
YOur communication with Me becomes direct.
NO books can give you
The message I can give you directly.
No organization can explain Me
More than I can directly.
No films and music can invoke your devotion
More than I can directly.
So do not select a media to reach Me.
Persist in searching Me yourself.
When all is within,
Why are you compelling yourselves
For a superficial outward search?

Sai Darshan3.12
Empty your mind of your ego
Fill your heart with love
Empty your hands of possessions
Fill them with service.
Empty your mouth and leave those harsh words
Fill them with the sweetness of My name.
Empty your eyes of all faults
Fill them with the vision of enlightenment.
Discard this body, let attachement go.
Reveal the Atma, experience your divinity
Know the oneness and in all that exists.

Sai Darshan3.13
I will
W ash
"I" a nd you will
L earn
L ove
T otal
A doration
you will
K now
E ternity
C on sider
A ll
R eligions
E qual

Sai Darshan3.14
I have come not merely to instruct you.
I am here to make you self-realize.
I fill you with questions.
I fill you with doubts.
I make you restless to make self-inquiry.
Who are you?
Why are you born?
Why do you die?
What is God?
What is life?
What is life without GOd?
What makes you human?
What can make you divine?
Is there divinity present within us?
Start asking these questions.
Seek for your answers.
I guarantee for a true seeker
There will be transformation .
You will enter the tunnel of light.
Knowledge will dawn.
Life will become God and God will be life.
Such life never is born, never dies.

Sai Darshan3.15
Know that I am here,
To fulfill all that you wish for.
I always bless those
Who wish for the welfare of others,
Who pray for the unfortunate and the needy,
Who cry tears of sorrow for those who need.
Even if you are not in a position
To share your material wealth,
There is no one in the world,
Who is not able to give love,
Who is not able to say sweet words,
Who is not able to lovingly hold,
A hand of one who needs.
Believe Me,
Love can cure.
Love can take away anger.
Love does not envy.
Love is not partial.
Love is not two faced.
Love is not hurtful.
Love does not take and love knows no sadness.
True love only knows to live in giving more love.
Wish and pray
To attain this love from Me in this lifetime.
I promise, I always fulfill all that you wish for.

Make repetition of My name,
A constant practice of your life.
Let it be as automatic as your breathing,
As enjoyable as being with your loved ones.
As peaceful as your uninterrrupted sleep
Start by making Me a part of lyour life.
And end by making Me your life.
Let no change in life detach you from Me.
Attach yourselves to Me in a way,
That I become you more, than you being you.
Bond with Me and wrap Me in your lives.
Then no death can separate us.
And our love for each other stays eternal.

Sai Darshan3.17
You may constantly repeat the name of the Lord,
Constantly rotating your rosary beads.
But you must use this strength of the Lord’s name,
And put it into practice.
Repetition of My name,
With no change in the pattern of your behaviour ,
Is of no use.
My name depicts strength of goodness.
My form depicts purity.
My speech depicts truth.
My smile depicts selfless love.
There are the virtues you too must depict.
You, My child,are my reflection.
Then how can any of your strengths
Differ from Mine?
It is time to wipe off the mist on your mirrors.
Look closely and recognize your own image.

Sai Darshan3.18
To be calm at all times,
You must remember God at all times
God is strength, God is peace, and God is love.
To be in bliss always,
You must be able to envision the Lord always.
The Lord is happiness,
He is sweet, He is knowledge
To never be lonely,
YOu must ever be in the company of HIs.
He is omnipresent,
He is ever loyal, He always rescues.
To be in the feeling of always in love,
I must become your sole life partner.
I love, I protect,
And I have no terms to accept you.

Sai Darshan3.19
You can be sitting at the top of Himalayas,
And still have a very restless mind.
Leaving all, and dressing in an orange robe,
Does not make you a hermit.
A hermit is one that lives amongst the real world,
And is not affected by any of its adversities.
Do your duties, but do not be attached.
Enjoy your riches by learning to give and share.
Do not be addicted to them.
Learn to live with your physical ailments.
Ignore the pain of the body.
Concentrate on the ailments of your soul.
Do not be hindered by burdens and sufferings.
KNow that they are only illusions,
To stray you from your spiritual needs.
Do not respond to the voices of your senses.
Look inward and hear My voice.
LIsten to My call, and respond immediately!

Sai Darshan3.20
You cannot own Me or possess Me.
You may dislike one or hate another.
But My love for all remains the same.
My ways to correct each one of you may differ.
But I do not harm.
One devotee’s welfare for another.
I have taken this form to teach you of love,
To show you by example as to how to love.
Love is a language common to all.
Love is what we are dependent on.
Love attracts, Love transforms.
Love is a path that we both walk on.
I have come to take you with Me.

Sai Darshan3.21
Do not tell Me that you cannot help it.
I can help only if you can help yourselves.
I have the formula,
But it is you who has to apply it.
I have all the answers,
But you need to start to ask the questions.
I am here to give love,
But it is you that has to win it iwth your devotion.
Do not tell Me that you "cannot".
You can and you will!
Sai does not respond to a "no".
I respond only to perseverance and determination,
To your strong will to reach Me.
I only "yes"to your yearning,
And "no" to your ego..

Sai Darshan3.22
You have plenty of chances to sleep,
Only one to awaken.
You have plenty of chances to play,
Only a few to serve.
You have plenty co chances to be in company,
Only a few to be in Mine alone.
You have plenty of chances to make mistakes,
Only a few do you truly repent.
You have plenty of chances to take births,
Only one to end them with Me and to Me.

Sai Darshan3.23
I have come to remove your ignorance.
Wisdom or your true reality cannot be taught.
It dawns on you,
Only when ignorance is completely removed.
You and I are both universal consciousness.
We are aware of each other and of all, at all times.
There is only one difference being,
I have already realized this oneness,
And you differentiate between us.
You are still attached to this body.
For Me, I exist with or without the body.
You think of death as an end to your existence.
I think of it as a transition between two bodies.
Or the final merge into the universal consciousness.
The real you is unchangeable, indestructible.
Rise above the boundaries of your own limitations
You surround yourself with.
You are limitless, You are eternal, you are God!.

Sai Darshan3.24
When you look at a diamond in the dark,
It does not shine.
But when you shine light at it,
It becomes brilliant and reflects it.
The light enhances its beauty and radiance.
In the same way,
You too are a diamond.
A diamond which is in the darkness of untruth,
When the light of truth shines upon you,
YOu too shine and reflect the light,
Showing the beauty and radiamce.
Of your divinity within you.
Shine with Sathyam,Shivam, Sundaram

Sai Darshan3.25
I do not want you to prostrate before Me,
or My picture, or any shrine ,
Or place or worship of Mine,
If you are not able to humbly bow down,
Before My decisions I make for your life.
Your prostrating before My statue is meaningless,
If there is no acceptance of My will,
If you are going to judge Me.
Bow to the Lord with true acceptance,
BOw to the Lord with surrender,
Surrender of your body, your mind and your soul.

Sai Darshan3.26
A human without compassion,
A human without a soft melting heart,
A human without love.
Is not a human, but a statue!
Do not look upon god as a mere statue to worship.
God shakes with compassion,
God streams with love,
God overflows with softness.
You must rise from humanness to Godliness.
YOu are all but pieces of day,
Waiting to be moulded int My form.

Sai Darshan3.27
If you delay in giving your payment,
I too delay in giving Grace.
Time decides all, time is God.
Work with promptness at all times.
Work with eagerness.
Make your duty your worship.
Make your contentment your companion.
YOu must be at peace yourselves.
Then only will you be able to please all.
Make others’ happiness your source of peace.
Make others’ pain your reason to pray.
Stay spiritually alert.
No more laziness! No more excuses!
No more "buts" and no more ifs!
I want from you a strong will.
A strong determination to know and realize the self.
I am here to motivate you,
Encourage you, love you,
To show you glimpses of your own divinity.
See it! Recognize it!
Realize It!
Do not delay.Tiem passes by!
Time waits for none!
Time becomes your destiny!
Time itself shows you are eternity!
Eternity has no clutches of time
It is beyond time with no limitations
Sai Darshan3.28
You are the cause of Karma
You are the result of karma.
Until you think of Me as separate,
Until you fear of death,
Until you feel you are the "doer",
Till then only will karma exist
Karma ceases to exist,
When I become the "doer",
When there is no "you"separate from "I",
When you realize that,
The self is never born and never dies,
When all that surrounds you is only "God",
When you can ignore
All physical pains and mental chaos,
When all becomes God,
Then karma itself becomes God.
And what is God?
G etting you
O ut of
And accepting oneness.
Sai Darshan3.29
Do not let anxiety be able to attack you.
Just stay calm and think of Me at all times.
Make Me your mind,
Make Me your heart.
Then your thoughts will not control you.
Your emotions will not slip you away.
Let all your duty and work be a pleasure.
Make Me the reason to live.
Make Me the air you breathe.
Then the "you" will lose its meaning,
And it will only be Me!Me!Me!

Sai Darshan3.30
Come, sit at the feet of the Guru.
All that you want, all that you need,
Is all at His feet.
These feet will give you,
All that this world took away from you,
Your peace, your bliss, and even your own identity.
Come, sit at My feet,
And let Me give you back,
All that you have lost .
With My love and My grace,
YOu will be born again, ina new world,
A world beautiful and blissful,
A world where you will find yourself,
To be Me, and Me-you!

Sai Darshan3.31
However much the suffering,

However much the pain,
However much the troubles you face,
YOur love for "your life" remains unshaken.
What ev er be the circumstances,
You want to live.
Ask yourselves this.
What makes life so precious?
Your body is the carriage,
That carries "your life".
"Your life" is your soul.
Your soul is a "part" of God
Until this "part" merges into the "whole",
Your journey is incomplete.
So protect your body,
Clean and purify yur inner self,
Emerge your God from within,
And complete your journey.

Sai Darshan3.32
Remember, it is always-
Easier to retaliate,tougher to endure.
Easier to mask your weakness,
Tougher to reveal them.
Easier to deny the truth, tougher to accept them.
Easier to waste time, tougher to expend ot wisely.
Easier to criticize others,
Tougher to praise one’s goodness.
Easier to read religious scriptures,
Tougher to put put them into practice.
Easier to complain, tougher to sacrifice.
Easier to expect, tougher to surrender.
Choosing the easier path is human,
But walking on the path
That is always good,always right,
NOt necessary pleasant.
Is the road that leads you to God.
God sees only beauty.
God knows only truth.
God feels only love.
I am this God that speaks within each of you.
Respond to My live with pure love.
Purity is My heartbeat.
Love is My breath.

Sai Darshan3.33
Be charitable towards God.
By charity I do not mean
Giving of "money" and worldly " things"’
No! No! God does not need that.
Offer to Him all your anger,
All your hatred and greed,
All your jealousy and envy.
Why are you holding on to things,
That will only grow more and destroy you one day?
Give them to Me.
I am eagerly waiting to accept.
Let the love within you stay,
Grow and spread to all
Let the spark of sacrifice become a hungry fire.
And consume your greed.
Let the sweetness of purity.
Flow from your heart to all around.
Let the whirlwind of falsehood drop,
And a cool peaceful breeze of truth prevail.
Come to Me and offer all that you have.
All that you offer is a gift of love to Me.
I do not discriminate and I do not choose.
I am only here to take away your darkness,
And lead you in the stream of your light.

Sai Darshan3.34
Of all languages,
The language of silence is the most poerful.
It has no words, but conveys all.
It is a quality of humbleness,
A symbol of patience and endurance,
A sign of utmost respect,
Shows acceptance of presence of God.
It depicts faith and surrender,
It is the surest way to show control of anger.
This is the strongest language of love.
Words are empty, only actions are fulfilling.
Speak soft,
Speak sweet,
Speak only when needed.
Spend time with duty.
Spend time with selfless work.
Spend time with God!

Sai Darshan3.35
Do not waste time in explaining Me to others.
How can you explain Me.
When your knowledge of Me itself is limited?
Mingle with those
Who has already found themselves to love Me
That will strengthen your faith
And increase your love for God.
Do not compare your spiritual progress
With each other.
Each one may be at a different level,
But your road is one,
Your goal is one/
And My love for each one is the same.
To judge, criticize and evaluate God
Is only an act of the ego.
Stay away from such confusion.
When you cannot even explain your own reactions,
When you seem to be lacking
In controlling your own senses,
When you are yourselves suffering
From hysteria and uncalm minds,
Then how can you evaluate the Divine?
God is a puzzle
And you have all the pieces of this puzzle.
Each piece adds to the whole picture,
And when the picture is complete,
YOu will find the solution to all your riddles.

Sai Darshan3.36
Crush yourselves !
Crush yourselves in this wheel of existence.
Crush your minds,
Crush your senses,
Crush your desires.
Feel this pain,
The more the pain,
The more closer to bliss.
One day when all is crushed in this wheel,
There will be no more pain,
No moe you, only God and bliss.

Sai Darshan3.37
A disease in the body,
Is the result of a mind in chaos
A body is a temple in which God resides.
The body is a manifestation of the soul.
It is a vehicle that reaches you
To vishnupada(vishnu’s feet)
When the mind gets agitated,
You begin to lose God within.
The body automatically begins to lose function.
This is a hindrance in your spiritual progress.
Life is precious. It is a gift of God,
Given to realize His omnipresencce
Within you and all around.
Value this gift and treat it with respect.
Firstly, it is importance to develop strong faith in God.
Your dependence must be on God and no other.
Secondly, you need strong willl
To overcome temptations,
Any temptations that will agitate the mind

Or inflict pain in the body.
Thirdly, develop a pure heart of love
You must think in the best interests of all around.
Fourth, you must stop wasting time.
Utilize time only to see and feel God at all times.
Fifth, you must stop worrying.
Why worry when God is the doer.
Sixth, give up anger!
Anger is a disease of the mind,
Fire that will only consume you,
Seventh, have no desires,
Except that of being with God.
Desires are the roots of a restless mind.
Eighth, have no thoughts.
When all id God, all is HIs will,
Then why think, just do!
Ninth, offer God every moment, pure, sincere love.
He is himself enslaved by your true devotion.
Be persistent and God will shower His Grace.
With this Grace, there will be no mind,
No body consciousness, no ego,
Only Atma and Paramatma.

Sai Darshan3.38
To reach God , you must be honest with yourselves.
YOu must be able to admit and seek your own faults

Deluding yourselves
Is merely cheating you to God hood.
YOu may be able to convince your ownselves.
But for Me, I am aware of truth at all times.
I recognize and know of
Your weaknesses more than you.
I even constantly prompt you
When I see you do wrong.
You can ignore Me.
Or even logically cover your faults,
But you cannot be manipulated,
Twisted or logically explained.
I have come to point out your faults.
I have come to change you.
But you must be open to it.
Your response must be eager.
Let Me do the work for which I have come.
Just have faith, have patience,
And a strong will for Me to choose you!

Sai Darshan3.39
You walk among the jungles of life,
Wrapped in attachments, worries and sufferings.
I come and meet you in this confusion.
You do not recognize Me in My disguise.
I offer you My help and My guidance,
To traverse this diffiicult path.
But ego blinds your spiritual eye,
And you move on alone and lost,
Until later with My grace and your repeated prayers,
I arrive again!
This time you see a glimpse of My divinity,
And you begin your following .
Your faith strengthens,
And your dependence on Me grows.
When all of a sudden, all seems clear!
You now follow Me, amongst the jungles of life,
Detached, contented and blissful.
Your eyes only see Me,
Your heart only beats My name,
With your love for Me, and with My love for you,
We merge into the light of oneness.
It starts with Guru and disciple,
Continues to become God and devotee,
And ends to be God and God.

Sai Darshan3.40
I have come to uproot your likes and dislikes.
All that surrounds you is God.
That which you like is God,
That which you dislike is God.
The more you dislike,
The more I challenge you with it.
I want you to develop an immunity to all.
You must be unaffected at all times.
When I see acceptance and no agitation,
I grace you with the knowledge of the self.
All that is bad can become God.
All that is good will become God.
The source of all is common,
Even though the form may differ.
Then think, My dear ones,
Of your likes and dislikes.
That which you like,
Is your acceptance of Me.
That which you dislike
Are your own fears of the unknown.

Sai Darshan3.41
I exist within you and in all,
As Universal Consciousness.
To Me all are alike.
Differences may lie outwardly,
In your form,
And the stage of realization you are at,
But the sense of Being
Or consciousness of existence,
Is the same and is God,
KNow this and recognize the several forms of God.
Realize that these forms are
Manifestations of one source,
The origin of truth,
The wealth of righteousness,
The ocean of love,
The nectar of everbliss.
God is indestructible,
God is beyond time.
Body is limited by God.
When there is only God,
There will be no ego.

Sai Darshan3.42
To you, one devotee may appear
More superior than another.
But to Me all are equal, all are God.
The difference only lies
In the level of realizing the self.
All knowledge lays within you.
The more the devotion,
The more the self starts to reveal itself.
Rights and wrongs
Automatically become very obvious.
Going against your true mature becomes tougher,
As you become closer to God.
When the curtain of falsehood is lifted,
YOu can experience your purity.
You become tainted in believing the delusion,
And ignoring your reality
But, for the reality to reveal,
You must fight the delusion,
You must control the reigns of your senses,
You must burn all desires.
The mind must be devoid of all thoughts,
But that of God.
Your faith in finding yourself must be strong.
All that comes along the way,
Must be tolerated with patience.
Then only will the concept of duality be destroyed

Sai Darshan3.43
Be simple in the way you live.
Dress simple, let it be clean and neat.
Eat simple, let it be sathwic.
Pray simple, let it be full of devotion.
Work simple, let it be full of service.
Speak simple, let it be sweet and soft.
Spend time simple, let it be pure and selfless
Call Me simple,
Let it be from deeper than your heart.
The simpler you are,
The lesser you have to worry about.
The fewer the desires you have kill,
The lesser the mind strays.
YOu unburden yourselves of all your luggage.
Possess less of worldly things,
Things that especially attach you to the body.
Learn to give all,
And take nothing less than My grace.

Sai Darshan3.44
Science is the study of the laws of nature.
It is a limited study of limited applications.
Science make you recognize the laws of nature,
But does it explain what lies behind these forces?
Can God be explained by science?
In science the same experiment
Repeated by various scientists,
Have the same results.
But in the experiment of finding God,
Each soul has a different aim,
Principle, procedure ,and result.
The goal may be the same.
But the pathways and experience
Of each one differs.
Finding God doesnot have one formula.
Karmas differ, faiths differ,
Response of each soul differs.
Death cannot be explained by science.
Science may think of rescuing one patient.
But another dies of the same cause.
Can this be explained?
Is science consistent?
Can science explain love?
Why do we need love?
What is love?
Science binds you to the mind and intellect.
The self strays away from the mind and intellect.
And binds you to God.
The study of science limits you.
The study of the self is limitless.
The self is true knowledge.
Each self is a part of the whole.
The self is pure love.
We are enslaved by this pure love for each other.
Hence the need of constant love.
The self goes through,
Ups and downs at various stages,
Till finally it merges with the whole.
Each journey is different,
Each one’s time to merge differs,
And each one’s experience is different.

Sai Darshan3.45
When I speak soft sweet words of praise to you,
These are the words,
Of encouragement you want to hear from Me.
When I say harsh words of criticism to you,
Those are the words,
Of improvement you want Me to point to you.
I only utter, that what you expect Me to.
I am your thoughts,
The thoughts that always prompt you to do good,
The thoughts that scold you from doing evil.
I am here to make your sweetness even sweeter.
I am here to point out your faults.
And take the poison away.
Learn to work harder pn your strengths.
Overcome the temptations of your weaknesses.
Learn from other’s strengths
And ignore their weaknesses.
I am here to love you only.
I am here to show you the way.

Sai Darshan3.46
Come and taste the sweetness of sacrifice.
All that you want is none that you need.
The mind only knows "wants"
The self only "wants to give"
Your "wants" make you experience,
A pain of greed and frustration, that only grows.
Your "giving" makes you experience,
A sweet pain of sacrifice.
Make this sweet pain a daily part of your lives
All that you sacrifice todasy,
Is nothing but a lot of love you collect from all.
All that you want is "not to love"
All that you need is love.

Sai Darshan3.47
I will make you laugh,
I will make you cry.
Know Me more,
And you will even laugh and cry,
All at the same time.
Yes! I am here to make you insane,
To make you realize
That your sanity today,
Is your real insanity!
Sai Darshan3.48
To some,
Eating and enjoying their meals is guaranteed
To others receiving even one meal is a miracle.
To some,
Having a nice comfortable home is natural,
To others having a roof,
Sometimes on a cold rainy day is a miracle,
Is taken for granted.
To others to have a small wrap,
To uphold their dignity, is a miracle.
So what is a miracle?
Ask yourselves, am I fortunate?
Each one of you today,
Are surrounded by innumerable miracles,
The miracle of being surrounded by God.
All that you have today is a miracle!
Whatever you are blessed with,
Remember, there is someone out there,
Deprived of those same blessings
Be grateful! Be thatnkful! Be content!
Be generous! Be compassionate!Be helpful!
Do not complain like a broken record.
Each one of you are blessed,
With a special gift of My love.
Find your gift, unwrap ot, and treasure it.

Sai Darshan3.49
As you walk steps closer to God,
You sometimes experience
The elation of your own Supreme Divinity.
Your body racks with sobs.
Your love and devotion
Peak above your body limitations.
You momentarily experience the self,
Losing body consciousness.
At other times you experience ,
A depression of self-inquiry.
You feel an emptiness of being unrewarded,
In your search of the self
You lack motivation and may even,
Doubt the existence of God.
I call these the "high ntides" and low tides"
Water in the ocean travels in waves,
Rising up to a peak and then flowing down.
It is only when it reaches the shores,
That the waves settle to a near ripple,
And then from a small ripple
To a water level that is constant.
YOu too are a wave,
That will travel through its "highs" and "lows",
Of experiencing and understanding
The divinity within.
As your journey comes closer,
The waves become only a ripple.
And when you attain Godhood, there is only bliss..

Sai Darshan3.50
Let My name be your First Name.
Your name only identifies with the body,
My name removes this body consciousness
My name seeks the self.
Let My name be the First Name,
For when God always stays ahead,
Ego will be left behind.
God’s name always protects
The name of the body lives only.
As long as the body is alive
God’s name lives,
As long as the self within you stays alive
And the self, My child, is indestructible!

Sai Dasrshan3.51
Let every moment of your life,
Be a prayer to Me.
Every part of you must be involved in this prayer.
It must be the prayer of the mind,
The prayer of the heart,
And the prayer of the soul.
Communicate with Me,
With your words, actions and thoughts.
When every moment of awakening and alertness,
Becomes a sincere prayer,
Of calling the divine within,
The response will come!
His eyes will show you the way,
His smile will take all your anxiety away,
HIs feet will offer you all His protection,
And His hands will cradle you the rest of the way.

Sai Darshan3.52
You come to Me to fulfill your wishes,
When I begin to fulfill them,
You begin to realize the
impermanenece of them.
You become free of your desires.
You realize that
One desire gives birth only to another.
These desires are a root of your worries.
But sometimes these worries become an excuse.
To come to Me, to know Me,
And to get addicted to My love.
My desire is only to fulfill all your desires,
To uproot them,
And to make you free of being enslaved by them.
Burn these desires in a flame.
That is bright and warm only for the love of God.
The sweetness of this love will one day,
Dissolve all your agitations within,
It will conquer your mind
And wrap your heart, drown your ego,
And most of all,
It will transform you to "Love".

Sai Darshan3.53
When you go to the doctor for your treatments,
The doctor is aware
Of your previous medical history.
He knows your symptoms,
And accordingly diagnoses your treatment.
YOur treatment may consist
Of medicines which are bitter and sweet,
But you must complete the courses,
Of both types of medications,
If you want to have relief and complete treatment.
In the same way, when you appear before Me,
And ask Me for My help to reach God,
I too become your spiritual doctor.
I am aware of your previous karmas.
I also know of your fears and anxieties.
I too put you on a course of various medicines.
Some that may be easy to bear
Others that may break you
To discontinue your treatment
But I want you to be strong!
YOu must complete your whole courses
Then only will you be relived of this"I" and "My"
Then only all your fears will turn
To the humility of surrender to God.
Do not be My lifetiome patient birth after birth.
Become well souls! become healthy beings!

Sai Darshan3.54
Do not make your prayers a mere formality
A prayer is a special moment spent with God
God is kind, God is gracious,
He is ever present at all’s prayers.
Speak to God from your heart.
This must be s time used.
To strengthen you, relax you,
And take all your fatigue and worries away.
It must be honest and sincere
Done with the beauty of faith,
Humility and total surrender
I respond to prayers where no selfishness lies.
YOu only trap yourselves with insincere prayers.
I do not get trapped
By phoney prayers or false tears
I only get captured and become a willing prisoner,
When your love for Me,
In all My manifestations and forms,
When you bow with humility of total surrender, then
I put on My golden wings for you,
And when you are ready,

Sai Darshan3.55
You say you want to merge in Me.
But ask yourselves, "Are you ready?"
Are you ready to leave all you love?
Are you ready to give up your comforts?
Are you ready
To overcome all your worldly attachments?
Have you prepared yourselves
To give Me total surrender?
Have you realized the trasient nature of this body?
Have you recognized yourselves
Tell Me then, what is your soul?
Who is your soul, and who is God?
Mergin g is realizing yourselves as God.
I always say, all lies within you.
The knoledge of the self is with you.
Seek it by purifying yourselves.
Learn to love all, love is your medicine of purity.
Rise above all your differences, and learn to love.
Love always wins time.
Do not let the impatience of result rule you.
True love awakens the self within.
True love knows no attachments.
True love recognizes only surrender.
And it is true love
That experience to merge with Me
Sai Darshan3.56
Today you celebrate "Akhanda bhajan Day".
You celebrate with great enthusiasm.
Because you think I have declared this day.
But to Me,
You must celebrate Akhanda bhajan every day.
The Ananda you gather today,
By the constant repetition of the Lord’s name,
Must be an everyday practice.
This ananda creates love and purifies you.
Namasmarana must not
Only be a mode of worship,
It must be your way of life.
Without that there is nothing, you are nothing!
Try to put this in practice
From the early part of your lives.
Remember ,
It is never too early nor never too late
To be in the company of God.
Make God your most sacred thought.
Make God your most auspicious word.
Make God’s omnipresence a part of each action,
And experience Akhanda Ananda
Today and forever.

Sai Darshan3.57
A child sleeps securely
In the darkness of its mother’s womb.
It is awakened rudely by its birth in this world.
With its beauty of innocence, it clings to the warmth
Of its mother’s embrace
Looking at her for guidance to survive in this world.
The mother carries her loved one,
And places it at the feet of the Lord,
And prays, "O Lord, let him sleep,
On the cushion of these feet.
Let him awaken to the brightness of your eyes,
Let him play to the twinkle of your smile,
Let him learn the lesson of love,
With the musical beat of your heart,
Let him sing
To the beauty of your voice that awakens,
Let him complete this life in Your shadow,
And return to the warmth of Your embrace
The mother of mothers, My Lord."
When the mother’s duty itself becomes her prayer,
Life becomes an offering to God
The child grows with his eyes ,
That are closed to the world around,
Staying unaffected and protected,
Today and forever, in His light.

Sai Darshan3.58
Use every waking moment to fulfill duty.
Your worship lies in duty.
God Himself is duty!
Do not waste time sleeping all night,
And then again, sleeping during your waking state.
Laziness prompts you away from duty.
Laziness stirs you away from serving.
When the mind is asleep, unaware of the self,
The body also begins to lose function.
Be strong and fight the mind!
Awaken the body.
Complete all your given tasks.
Make this the way to love God.

Sai Darshan3.59
For child to begin his learning process,
It is very essential to teach him a language,
A language,
In which he comprehends,
A language, In which he is able to receive his education.
One cannot learn
Without this media of communication.
In the same way,
To start your spiritual learning,
You, too,must learn its language.
It is the language of love in which,
You will communicate with the God within you.
Love will speak the words,
Before even the tongue will move.
Love itself is the teacher of teachers.
Love will melt the hardest stone.
It will crumble the highest mountain.
Love is the only road to find God,
Reach God, and become God.
Learn it, practice it and become it!

Sai Darshan3.60
Science can be fiction.
It teaches life with facts that are observed.
God is only real.
God teaches you the facts of life.
What are these facts?
It is believing in the reality of the self.
A fact that cannot explain , is
Only experienced and felt!
A fact that cannot be justified,
But is the absolute truth!
You may ignore and deny these facts,
But the simple fact remains that, "all is God"

Sai Darshan3.61
As pride grows , it peaks to a big mountain,
Blocking the winds of spirituality to pass by.
Pride brings an end to your life with God.
Humility and love are the beginning steps,
For you to recognize Gode.
When you are at the top of this mountain
You will only be left in the coldness of being lonely.
All from the top appears tiny and unclear.
Illusion lies only when you feel taller and bigger,
And all others seem small and onsignificant.
Climb down from this false height,
And gaze pn your knees at ground level,
Then all will appear larger and clearer,
And the "I" within you will become insignificant.

Sai Darshan3.62
In this journey of life,
You travel on a pilgrimage
From being human to becoming God.
On a road that be full of stops, thorns, and
And another, in which you have no worries,
Only travel!
The first path is that of the mind and the intellect.
The second is that of total surrender to God.
Your body is the chariot,
That is balanced on the four on the four wheels,
Of truth, righteousness, peace and love.
The self is the charioteer that holds the reins.
The five horses are your senses
That are controlled by the self.
If the self loses control,
The horses lose their sense of direction.
If even one of the wheels loses its balance.

The chariot falls apart and
The charioteer loses its mode of transport.
To reach your destination of self realization,
The body must be taken care of
And must be considered
Only as a mode of transport.
YOu must not confuse your identity with the body.
The mind and the body must be kept in balance.
With the four wheels,
Of truth, righteousness, love and peace,
The divinity force must be the strength of the self,
And not by the senses,
That will only mislead you and delude you.
Your goal must be one pointed ,
To find Me and reach Me.
And once you reach Me
There will be no body.
No mind, no intellect, no senses,
Only the real Me coming back to Me!

Sai Darshan3.63
Break these bonds of your weaknesses,
With the power of your strength you develop.
Break the chains of wants and desires,
And learn to give.
Give away all with the sweetness of selflessness.
Root your feet firmly to the ground.
Do not be even slightly swayed,
By the winds of your senses.
Focus your vision to see only the goodness of all.
Do not get blinded in the darkness of ignorance,
Spread your hands only to give all you have.
Only yearn to receive from the Lord.
With your humility of total surrender,
Bend your head at His feet forever.
Let Him be your only strength
And your only weakness.
Your strength being to love Him.
In all, at all times, in every place.
Your only weakness is to yearn for His love
Forever and ever.

Sai Darsha3.64
I have given each one of you a duty,
A duty to perform in My presence,
A duty which must be dedicated with love.
With no conditions,
But done in the light of selflessness.
Each one of you comes to this world,
To carry out your worldly tasks,
Learn to do them without complaints.
Learn to accept and appreciate your situation.
Make every action an offering at my feet.
Make every moment of your life a prayer.
O Sai Mother, this life is your treasure
I will use this gift of love,
To complete all your given tasks.
Use this life as your instrument,
To fulfill the lives of all with pure love,
A love of yours that makes Me "you",
And a life that will complete its mission,
Of coming back to you.

Sai Darshan3.65
Be aware, for in your devotion to God,
Ego lurks around the corner,
Slyly sliding its way,
Separating the distance between us.
Love Me, but have no pride.
Accept Me with no "ifs" and no "buts"
Dance this music of life with Me.
Let the melody of God’s voice stir you within.
Let the strings of your soul,
Play the song of love at the touch of My fingertips.
Sweetness lies in the silence of the "I"
God awakens in your life, only when you are ready,
Ready to accept your true reality.
And ready to accept total surrender.

Sai Darshan3.66
Fasting from food deprives your body,
Of energy to function,
Fasting from action of duty,
Deprives your mind to rest.
What I ask you to fast is to fast words.
Observe silence
And you will speak the strongest language of all.
A single word uttered,
Leads to a mutitude of thoughts.
Too many words,
Leads to too many thoughts.
These cause chaos,restlessness
And spiritual, mental and physical fatigue,
Talking can cause even more pain and stress,
Than a tedious physical action.
A pure mind is that which knows only love
A pure language is that of silence.

Sai Darshan3.67
You often ask Me the question,
How do I reach God?
My answer is to remember Him constantly.
Let every minute of your lives be God.
You must practice this Sadhana vigorously
With all ear nestless.
This has to be done not with a motive
To impress Me or anyone.
There must be no sense of competition.
It has and must be done with all purity.
You have to reach the God that lies within.
All your energies,the body, mind and spiritual,
Have to be directed towards that,
Remembering GOd at all times,
Prevents you from ungodly acts.
Singing His praises always.
Deters you from criticizing others.
Visualizing Him,
Seals your desires on transitory things.
Hearing of Him,
Relieves you of all worries and sufferings.
Loving Him breaks bonds to all other attachments
Think,See Hear, Say and Do all unto Him.
That is the way to reach God,
Realize God, and become God

Sai Darsha3.68
Along the course of your life, you grow attachments.
Attachment to the body loses your true identity.
Attachment to family and friends
Faces painful separation.
Attachment to money and things
Leaves you on top of a mountain of desires
But attachment to God
Is another name of "devotion".
It relieves your mind of restless thoughts.
It relieves your body of sores and diseases.
It heals all pains in your wounded heart.
Attachment to God
Leads to detachment to the world.
God gives you
The strength to live amongst all of this,
And still be totally unmoved and unaffected.
God will break the bonds that immobilize the self.
Why are you drowning in these whirlpools
Of worldly attachments?
I say,
Leave all and stay only in the name of the Lord.
Leave all, and hold only His feet.
That will save you from this world
And lead you to His!

Sai Darshan3.69
As pride grows , it peaks to a big mountain,
Blocking the winds of spirituality to pass by.
Pride brings an end to your life with God.
Humility and love are the beginning steps,
For you to recognize Gode.
When you are at the top of this mountain
You will only be left in the coldness of being lonely.
All from the top appears tiny and unclear.
Illusion lies only when you feel taller and bigger,
And all others seem small and onsignificant.
Climb down from this false height,
And gaze pn your knees at ground level,
Then all will appear larger and clearer,
And the "I" within you will become insignificant.
Believe in the God in yourselves,
And then only will you believe in Me!
Your virtues and good qualities will only emerge,
When will all sincerity you accept
The self within.

Sai Darshan3.70
In moments of sorrow I will uplift your spirits.
You stand in daylight,
But still live in the darkness of ignorance.
I will walk into your life
And will shed true light of love.
In the periods of desperation,
I will stand before you, I will be the answer!
In your feelings, I will take the blame,
In your success
I will prompt words of encouragement.
In times of loneliness, I will fill your heart with Joy,
In cases of uncertainty, I will lead
When virtues fall and morals blacken,
I will unveil the impurity.
It takes oly a single word,
The name of the Lord!
Call Me today,
Call Me now!
I will come,
I will come to save you from yourselves.

Sai Darshan3.71
Fight your minds and win My heart,
Set yourself aglow
With the light of love and devotion.
Let the warmth of your love for God
Spread all around.
Your mind conceals your faults
With false justifications.
Ego becomes the hard shell of self-defense.
The true self gets lost
Within these barriers of the mind, intellect and ego
Till this self will be submerged,
God will always be a mystery to you.
How can you relate
And understand the beauty of God,
When all within you remains dark and empty
Wage a war with your intellect and ego.
That leaves your true reality as only a fiction.
Feel the common link
That lies between you and all around.
It is the link of God!
It is the bond of love.
It is the simplicity of truth,
It is the magic of peace,
And the miracle of life!

Sai Darshan3.72
From the self, man is born,
Into a body that is limited by time,
Lives his life that is willed by his own divinity,
But in ignorance of the fact.
Time is the factor that limits the birth and death,
Of his life-term in this body.
The self remains
Unbound and unattached by any limits.
The self exists always, but emerges only,
When your yearning
Tgo call upon the divinity from within, awakens.
This is the beginning of the death of the body.
Let each day into a "Happy Birthday".
When the self is found, man dies
And only "I" remain.

Sai Darshan3.73
Even if a diamond falls to the ground,
And gets covered with dirt,
It may lose its shine temporarily.
But the true nature of the diamond
Stays unchaged.
If the diamond is picked up,
Polished and re-cleaned,
It shines to its fullest beauty again.
Even if your virtues fail and morals blacken,
Believe Me, this dirt is only temporary.
Deep within still, your true nature exists.
Thus, when the guru walks into your life,
He picks you up from this dirt of maya
He polishes you and
Cleanses you of all your inner impurities,
Till you shine in the multi facets of God.
Only when light is reflected on the diamond,
Does the diamond shine
And dance to the reflection of the light.
I stand before you today,
So you too can shine and reflect My light,
And dance upon evil,
Depicting your strength of God.

Sai Darshan3.74
FaithThis is the play of God,
Whether in this lifetime or in another,
You too will experience the pain
You inflict upon others.
No logic can explain His ways.
It is far beyond human thinking and intellect.
What may be your pain today,
May only become your reward tomorrow.
What you may call suffering today,
May only become your first step towards Him.
What may be your joy today
May become your tears tomorrow.
What may be your responsibility today
May become your strength tomorrow.
Nothing can be predictable in this world,
He alone is the answer to all your confusions.
All comes from Him, All becomes Him,
And all is the play of His!

Sai Darshan3.75
Faith, my dears, will shake the Me within you.
Faith determines your future path
In finding, feeling and attaining Me.
It is your green signal to "surrender to God".
True faith always moves "Sai".
Let your faith in Me stir you within,
But yet be unshakable.
Yes! It is all about faith!
Seeking God is actually
Seeking the faith in your "Self".
Develop faith and I will never let you down.
Strengthen faith and I will never break it.
Live by faith and die by faith and I will come,
Come to receive my precious jewel-You!

Sai Darshan3.76
All work done have a focus,
An inspiration!
It is inspiration that aspires you,
To complete your given task perfectly.
That work which is perfect is God!
Then that which must inspire you is also God!
When God becomes your inspiration,
The task takes the form of worship
Your determination to complete this task.
Is your sadhana,
The love poured into it is your devotion.
When you sadhana,
Devotion and acceptance of the task given,
Is focussed on divind will alone,
Then the success of this task to be completed ,
Will surely be blessed with His grace.

Sai Darshan3.77
You seem to think that I punish you,
When I take away from you, your worldly riches,
You think of Me being cruel,
When a loved one parts
And says goodbye by death,
But these are only My ways to reward you,
To redirect your goals,
To realize the insignificance of possessions
To reduce and diminish your passions,
You call love!
I want to swivel you away from these addictions,
That leaves you helpless
In your eccentric fantasies,
Your only one true possession is "God".
The riches of all worlds is within you-
To Love All, To serve All

Sai Darshan3.78
Do not fear the ones that blame you,
The blame lies not in them.
The blame is your fear of them.
Fear is an ungodly act.
For, that which is always right and ever perfect,
Knows no fear.
Divine love can smile in the face of every evil
And know no fear.
The strength of truth can withstand,
The gusty winds of falsehood and knows no fear.
The steadfastness of faith will remain firm,
In the earthquakes of transient life,
And know no fear.
Your oath of surrender to My will,
Will relieve you, My sweet child,
Of all your worries, anxieties and fears
Today, you live in fear and worry,
And you look for God!
To Me, you have made up your minds to fast,
Yet you look for food!
It is only when your intent to eat is genuine,
Then your search for food will also be fruitful.
Resolve to give up your human fears,
And fill your lives with acts that are Divine.
Act today and save yourselves before tomorrow.

Sai Darshan3.79
This world is filled,
With all kinds of life,
And you stand amongst it,
Surrounded by family, friends
In the midst of this hustle and bustle,
Of your daily routine,
You feel the pangs of lonliness.
All around, you feel is "yours",
Yet nothing remains forever.
All that "comes" must "go".
Your life is affected by this, but only momentarily.
And then, it moves on, yet to find another change.
Think! What is this will within you,
That allows the wheels of life
To still move on smoothly?
What is this reason of being motivated to live?
This is nothing, but the call of the self,
That is within you, that emerges and pushes you,
To seek, attain and realize,
The unchangeable part of life-
God! He who lives within every human being.
God! He who surrounds
Every atom of this universe.
God! He who wills all pervading on this earth.
God! He who graces life to end in the body,
And merge with Him forever.

Sai Darshan3.80
All in this world are your very own.
Yet you choose to bind only with a few.
Your focus on your relationships
By birth, blood, marriage,
Limit you to see all as your loved ones.
If these relationships you value today,
Would carry with you from one birth to aother
Then your binding would not be a hindrance.
But do they really?
All part their role, fulfill their duties,
And move on to another world,
With other attachments.
You give your loe to only a chosen few,
Because you develop attachments with them.
I call these attachments , because ,
You have expectations of them.
On the other hand,
True love gives with no expectations of them.
And even if there is no acceptance,
Learn to love, not with any reason.
Loves knows no relationships,
Love does not discriminate.
Love shines with the selflessness of sacrifice.
When there is love for all, you become content.
When all becomes love, you become peace.
When love becomes you, you become God!

Sai Darshan3.81
You first hear of God,
Then you see Him and envision Him.
You begin to sing praises of HIm,
You simply become aware of HIm, just by feel only,
And finally every breath becomes God!
These must be,
The only functions of your five senses.
It is only when the senses stray away from Him.
You begin to be spiritually handicapped.
You can hear, you are yet deaf.
You can see, you are still blind.
You can speak, but are dumb.
You can feel, yet lack compassion.
You are alive, still dead to Me.
I am here to motivate you, to uplift you,
To teach you the truth of Me.
I am here to motivate you, to uplift you,
To teach you the truth of Me and you.
To make you recognize Me and identify yourselves.
Love God! Love only God!
For, only God loves you!

Sai Darshan3.82
Devotion is the ladder that clinbs to God.
The first step of devotion,
Is to call upon Him in times of need.
Your next step is when your faith begins to grow,
With every prayer answered.
Then a feeling of attachment comes
And at other times , a feeling of confusion,
When things go His way and not yours.
Your next step you bond in love with Him.
He becomes your source of comfort,
And an escape from the world.
Then you climb to the level of pain,
Of separation from Him.
You seek Him
And want his companionship at all times.
The next level is when you find God within
All that surrounds you.
You recognize His several forms,
And serve Him through them.
On the last step of this ladder, the self emerges,
And reveals your true nature
Of the light that is eternal.
The light of God
That shines within you-the Absolute.
The self is enveloped by God and then merges.
Then it is ony bliss!

Sai Darshan3.83
I live amongst you, and amongst all your faults.
But I do not discuss them in your absence.
I merely live My life being exemplary.
My way of life itself drawns you to your own faults.
No harsh words are necessary.
No one faces the pain of arguments.
I change you in the midst of peace,
You begin to find your Divinity,
By mere imitation of Me.
My ways are nothing, My sweet one,
But your own ways!
It is all within you, only ignored and forgotten.
I have come to remind you ,
Of Me, of the Me in you, of the real you-Me!

Sai Darshan3.84
All know of God
But only a few choose
To stay in closeness with Him.
All know of truth,
But only a few are courageous
To follow it to the end.
All know of love.
But only a few give away all, to receive My love.
All know of trust,
But only a few put their faith in "My will"
All know of patience,
But only a few persevere to the trials of life.
My eyes rest on "these few".
My feet follow "these few"
My hands serve "these few"
My grace falls on "these few"
My heart I give to them as they have given to Me.
Yes, all come from Me,
But only a few come back to Me-with Me.

Sai Darshan3.85
One moment of peace,
Yet the next one of restlessness,
One moment of love,
Yet another of spite and hatred,
One moment of truth,
Yet enveloped in the next with falsehood.
One moment elation,
Yet another of severe depression,
One moment of surrender,
Yet the next filled with worry and anxiety,
One moment of experiencing God
Yet the very next being hopelessly human.
Is this your insanity, or,
Is it your total lack of commitment to Me?
Momentary experience
Does not give you liberation
They are only the window
Each one of you
Must be in constant spiritual practice
Moment after moment,
You must taste the sweetness of God.
Your experiences of Me must linger from the past,
Continue to its present, and move to the future.
Time itself must become Me.
Age with God and not with time.
Finally you must travel beyond time, beyond age,
And beyond any limitations.
All that limits you is your ignorance.
All that become limitless is in My light!

Sai Darshan3.86
Conquer your mind
And you will capture your thoughts.
Conquer your thoughts
And you will capture peace.
Conquer ego
And you will capture the "I"
Conquer the "I"
And you will capture God!
Fill your mind with God,
Your heart with love
Let your words be unspoken,
Yet let the actions flow
With sweetness, that is Divine.
Let your eyes close its doors to evil,
Yet shine to the beauty of God that surrounds you.
Empty your hands of the limited treasures you hold.
Fill them with My grace that remains timeless.
Smile today
And know that you will remain Mine forever.
You are My part and I the whole.
I am born to kill you mind,
To stir and awaken your heart.
To end all your desires, to drown your ego
I am born to take you back,
To make you complete -With My love only.

Sai Darshan3.87
Turn around and look at Me,
In My eye, face to face.
Search for that mirror,
That reflects your face as Mine,
And mine as yours.
True devotion,
A simple heart,
And pure mind.
A soul that loves,
A body that sacrifices,
Makes you "the God" that lives,
As a messanger in His own form.
God’s simplicity is His beauty.
Turn around from your sweet sorrows,
And walk towards Me step by step.
Each step will give you an image clearer,
Of Me as you ansd you as Me.

Sai Darshan3.88
Sacrifice your ego,
And you will realize the self.
Let all in the world be before thr "I"
Know to give, give to know God.
All that you gave was never yours.
Give to forget, and not to remember or expect.
Sacrifice will emit your beauty within.
The pain of it itself, becomes your healing .
The loveBehind it, itself becomes your way to Me.
Your sadhana of sacrifice
Becomes your way to Me.
Place Me in all, and put the all before The " I"
Then God will always be before you,
And you will be in His shadow forever.

Sai Darshan3.89
Leave all your worries,
And all your sufferings,
Leave them all and come to Me.
Leave all your desires,
Leave all your attachments,
Leave them all and come to Me.
Leave all your doubts,
Leave all your fears,
Leave them all and come to Me.
Come and pour into Me all that is human.
Sit by Me and know true peace.
These feet will take the rest of your thorns.
These hands will bear all you carry.
This smile will never let you down.
These eyes will always look for you,
At you, and after you.
Leave them all and come to Me.
Leave them all
And you will, My sweet, become Me.

Sai Darshan3.90
Each day you spin Me and lose Me,
In the chaotic wheel of thoughts,
Each day you grind Me,
With your harsh words of deceiving untruths.
Each day you slap Me,
With actions that hurt
And prey on the feelings of others.
Yet in the same day,
You pray to Me, you call Me,
And speak of your undying love for Me.
Is this yopur love for Me?
Or, are you simply convincing yourselves of a God,
That is blind, deaf, and dumb?
I witness your actions everymoment.
I live in your thoughts always.
I only prompt you words of love.
Then Why is your behaviour otherwise?
Ask yourselves, are you truly searching for Me?
Have you really found Me?
Or am I just anther one of your desires,
To feed your ego?

Sai Darshan3.91
My life itself must become your study.
I have comet to teach you of life,
Not by mere words, but by living it Myself.
Live amongst evil, but rise to ignore them.
LIve amongst the spiritually sick , but stay healthy.
Live amongst other’s faults,
But point out only your own.
Live amongst hate and bitterness.
But only respond with love.
Live amongst life’s changes,
But believe in your own eternity
Live amonst all that is human,
But experience your Divinity.
Yes! My life must be your practice,
My life must pave the way to your search for God,
My life will show and prove,
That which you think is impossible,
My life screams your identity, your origin.
The birth of the Lord is never in vain.
My life itself must become your life.
I have come to show you God,
Not by mere words, but by living it Myself!
Sai Darshan3.92
The closer you will come to Me ,
The more love you will find within.
The closer you will cometo Me,
The more strength you will find to fight yourselves.
The closer you will come to Me,
The more peace you will find around.
The closer you will come to Me,
The more you will addict yourselves
To My presence,
The closer you will come to Me,
The closer I will come to you too!
Drop the barriers that you hold,
That masks My presence in you.
We live apart, yet we are only "One"
One together in this bond of love,
One together in this karmic journey,
To find our love forever.
Come close! Come Closer!
I will silently whisper
For the rest of our way together
Sai Darshan3.93
True devotion lies
Beyond emotion and beyond tears.
Devotion is only His silent prayer.
It is faith that speaks the language of surrender.
It is inseperable lov ethat bonds you to Him forever.
Tink, speak and do all with devotion,
Yet let it not slow.
Devotion is not to remember Him at all times,
And to forget "the Him" in all times,
It is the acceptance of God in all, at all times.
This is true Namasmarana.
Devote yourselves to Him, not in one form only,
But let each moment become Him.
Devote yourselves to Him, not in one form only,
But let each form become one of His.
Your reward of your devotion,
Will be My companionship.
Your efforts of your devotion,
Will result in finding Me
Not in any man made temples,
Not in any scriptures or japams,
But in your very own hearts.
The devotion of love in your hearts-is Me!
Is you!-Is God!
I am found in this temple of love!
You too will be fond in this temple, O sweet!
Sai Darshan3.94
Know each pain will be end in pleasure,
Each pleasure in pain.
Recognize both to be My blessings.
I enter in your lives to soothe your pains,
I enter in your lives to celebrate your pleasures.
Count not your pains,
Anticipate not your pleasures,
Accept both as Me.
Love Me in each experience.
Each episode makes you a step closer to Me.
That which may appear happy today,
May become your way to find Me.
Happiness, My child, is another word to find pain.
Pain My dear, is another word to find happiness.
Make Me that which makes you happy.
Make Me the light at the end of each tunnel of pain,
Then God will become your pleasure,
And God will become your reward,
Of each pain endured.

Sai Darshan3.95
For all this time, I have talked,
You have listened! you have studied,
But it sis time now to act!
Act on My words and win Me.
My words will give you strength.
Use this strength and walk forward towards Sai.
My messages will stir in you the God that sleeps.
Wake up to My light.
Learn to love My form in the body of Sai,
And use this love to embrace all.
When you love all, all barriers automatically fall.
All your differences will automatically dissolve.
Footprints are left.
Only when there is dirt on the feet.
Clean all your impurities
And leave no mark of your ego.
For all this time, I have been your guide,
And you have followed!
But it is time now to reach Me-forever!

Sai Darshan3.96
When God walks in, fear walks away.
When fear walks away, faith walks in.
When faith walks in, worries walk away.
When worries walk away, peace walks in.
When peace walks in, fears walks away.
When fears walk away, God walks in.
God is the beginning, God is the end.
All in between is "the battle"
The battle between " I" and the self.
Remember the "I" will attack you,
The self will always protect.
The "I" cripple you,
The self will only strengthen.
When the self walks in the "I" walks away, universal love walks in.
Then peace becomes your road,
Bliss becomes your transport,
And Sai becomes your destination!

Sai Darshan3.97
The life of Christ ,
Must become the in spirational story of sacrifice,
The sacrifice of living life not for Himself.
His life was for all,
His love soft, pure and all-forgiving.
He came on earth to lead all,
To experience a sweetness of freedom,
The freedom fromthe ego.
He came to embrace all.
To hold you close in captivation,
The captivation of the Divine.
Follow Him now, for He leads you even today.
He lives today in the form of love.
His name is truth, His message is peace.
Call on Him. with any name,
With a heart sincere and a mind pure,
And He will respond!
You called Him as "Jesus"
In the life He came before.
You call Him as "Sai Baba",
In His life He lives today.
The blood of Christ, left His message,
Of sacrifice, love and forgiveness of sins of all.
He died in body -but rose-
For His devotees - to live with them forever-
He lives today in the form of love
His name is truth, His message is peace,
Christ lives today in the form of Sai!

Sai Darshan3.98
A small voice from within speaks.
It is the voice you call conscience,
And I call "God"
From birth
YOu are gifted with tresures of the Divine,
The mystery , My dears , lies in seeking it.
A box that is closed will not reveal their contents,
Unless opened.
In the same way,your treasures of the Divine,
Will not reveal
Till you open your minds and your hearts to God.
Open your minds! Foeget the past!
Stop your worries
For the uncertainties your futrures hold.
Open your hearts!
Relieve yourselves of headache and pain,
From all the dislike, hatred
And differences you carry within,
The self within suffocates,
Blinded in your wall of differences
Its voice today is muffled and unclear.
Creating the doubts of God’s presence.
That truly lies within you.
I have come todasy to assure you,
That there is God,
That God can be found
In the skies and the mountains,
In the seas, in the meadowsin the fields
God lives in birds and all animals.
All that you love today are God.
All who you dislike today are also God.
I have come to confront you today,
With My understanding of truth,
And My weapon of love.
Let all your doubts today
Become your foundation of faith.
Come with Me,
For no place is truly yours, but Mine.
Your place is the seat of My love.
My place is with you always.

Sai Darshan3.99
Let the remembrance of God become your practice.
The practice will grow to be your "sadhana"
Constant sadhana
Will strengthen your "self" with confidence.
Confidence of spiritual practice,
Will sprout the sapling of tender pure love.
Expansive love will turn to sweet devotion.
Devotion will strive to clean your inner impurities.
The cleansing process of transformation
Will strive for perfection.
That perfection is God!
A little effort, some daily spiritual disciplines,
A little confidence, and a keen heart to transform,
Are your gemstones of spirituality.
God’s grace descends to link these gemstones,
Into a necklace to adorn you,
With a beauty and radiance,
To reflect your God within.

Sai Darshan3.100
A heart that is impure
Is a man that isolates Me,
Even when he lives his life in My company,
At every moment!
He knocks on the doors of My temple.
Asks for forgiveness of his sins,
Promises to live his life at My feet,
Yet the very next moment
Becomes his own master.
He ridicules the goodness of others,
And falls victim to his senses.
He experiences fear of all circumstances
But lacks fear, in his own doings, in My absence.
In My absence! you can doubt Me, avoid Me,
But you can never erase My presence.
My absence is the presence of your ego
To isolate Me is to plunge your lives in fear.
To doubt Me is to be lost in the chaos of desires
To avoid Me
Is to live amidst the confusion of duality.

Your battle just begun,
I will lead you in this battlefield, if you let Me!
I am here to show you to conquer your enemies,
To condfront them once and for all.
Once you realize
That the power to defeat your enemies ,
Lies in your will
To resist their short term temptations,
Your enemies will weaken,
The self will strengthen,
And I will lead you to victory

Sai Darshan3.101
Laugh bravely at the eyes of suffering.
Feel not your pain, cry not your fears.
Use the name of the Lord, as your weapon to fight,
When His name is your strength,
You are untouched by pain
When He becomes the power to your will,
All sufferings can be endured with His vigor.
Overcome and even forgotten
When He shines the light of spiritual inspiration,
God slowly begins to take form,
And becomes more clear to you.
When His way becomes your path to travel,
Your journey awakens
From death to the life of the sweet Divine,
How sweet life is when he walks in!
And reveals a strength that lives within-Him!

Sai Darshan3.102
One day you express of your insane love for Me,
The next day your feet step back
In the slippery road of the world.
ONe thing I will say, that your love for God.
Cannot falter from day to day.
One day it is " Sai," "Sai"
And the next it is "My", "My"
No!No!, This is not true sadhana.
Your effort put into spiritual practice,
Becomes useless if it is not followed with
True dedication and sincerity.
The world is the mask over God,
And God is the reality waiting to be revealed.
Today I desire nothing,
But only for you to find reality.
When all in this world are lost,
Then tell Me who can truly be your true friend?
Who can love you, guide you and accept you,
Without any rewards or expectationof you

No one!
Do not entangle yourselves any further,
In these strings of selfish attachments.
You are only born in this world
To express your desires .
This cycle of birth and death,
Ends only when these desires are exhausted.
If you are playing the role must end
With the applause of your true devotion.
My applause will be,
Your acceptance for now and forever.

Sai Darsham3.103
You call this day as first day in the New year,
But time is not first and not last.
Time continues as long as life continues.
Time has existed always,
It is never "new" and never "ages"
The new year must become your reason to focus,
On all the time you have spent in this life.
You must ponder today
On how you have utilized time.
YOu must look at yourselves,
And see how you have shaped your lives.
What is that which is ever changing?
What is it you want to hold on to, and
What is that which needs to go?
The newness and change
Must be in you and not in time.
The happiness lies not in the New Year, but in the
New contentment you will find within yourselves.
A mind that is always agitated can never find Me.

A heart that cannot love all can never be My home,
God is not passion, He is not a challenge
He is that
Which lingers in a peaceful mind.
He is that
Which resides in a loving and sincere heart
I exist first in the form of thoughts.
It is only thoughts of the Lord
That will prompt an actr of love.
I exist in the form of language.
It is only words of the Lord that will carry
All burdens with love and no compalints
I exist in the form of your eyes.
It is only the tears of the Lord that will strenthen.
Your love in all sorrows.
The Lord Himself thinks all, says all, does all.
Let the Lord walk in today
To accept from you the reigns you hold.
Become Him from today
And let that be your change, your true new you.

Sai Darshan3.104
The process of change may be slow,
But your determination to want to change
Mus tbe firm
For you to change, you must be open
To criticism and fault-finding
Be honest with yourselves
AS to where your weaknesses lie,
All will not change in one day.
Tremendous self -discipline
And spiritual practices are reuired
There may be several falls.
But the courage to pick up and walk again
Must prevail
Temptations may open paths that seem shorter
But do not let false glitter blind you
Become a statue to the world’s reaction
To reach God, you must become Him,
And that mustbe your only goal,
Your only reason to be in this body.
The first step to change is to want to change.
Let God be that reason to change.
Let swami lead you to this change
Change from what you have become today,
To who you really are
Ask yourselves how long will you live,
Before you will know that what you look for, is you?

Sai Darshan3.105
Your mind is a bank of thoughts
It sometimes prompts immediate acations
And at other times delays reactions.
It registers all events.
Reminds yuou ofthe unpleasant,
Allowing you not to forget and forgive.
To start your process of transformation,
YOu must close the existing account in this bank
And start a new
All unpleasantness must be withdrawn.
And only the thoughts and visions,
Of the goodness you give must be forgiven.
All the pain others may inflict must be forgiven.
Your mind must bear once again,
The innocence of a child, sweet, loving and pure.
A child trusts all
And looks upon his mother for protection.
You too must stop making all judgements.
Love all, and let Me protect you from any downfall.
Enrich yourselves with a mind
That shines with the treasures of Godhood.
This wealth never depletes, always replenishes.
Money may buy you a beautiful home today,
But it cannot and will never buy Me into your home.
I come only when the mind is surrendered,
And your heart is open.
That is the only payment I accept.

Sai Darshan3.106
I talk of "change" and "transformation",
But the change is not of circumstances
That surround you.
I talk of the "change",
In the way you will perceive circumstances.
Once you walk steps towards Me ,
Maya (delusion) will still surround you
But the change in you will now recognize it
At every step,
And the effect of this delusion on you,
Will begin to minimize.
YOur habits that have become your second nature,
Will become easier to break,
With less pain to attachments.
Your peace will lie only with God,
And you will begin to seek only that,
Which emits and radiates His beauty.
Your own disgust of your spiritual failures
Will motivate your searchfor Me
In this change I talk of is not of the world,
But the change in the attitudes of each one of you.
Within each one of you lies The strength to change the world,
Not by any mutiny, war, or revolution,
But by the dedication and willingness
To change yourselves.

Human nature expects to see at least a shadow,
Of His rewards,
When putting effort in his spiritual practices.
These expectations
Slow down your process of change
And may even disgust you in wanting to change.
At times you may feel cheated of GOd.
At other times there may be anger and frustration.
YOu may plunge into comparison
With another’s progress,
And experience will be different,
And the attention I give you,
Is the only kind of attention you need.
Believe Me, you and only you will earn the rewards,
When spiritual change within you begins to occur.

So wait! Be patient!
Do not stress on yout time spent to change.
Focus unstead,
On attaining perfection in your efforts
You are not alone in your struggle of change.
Your ability to change to Me is My victory.
Your faith and patience to change
Is your response to My love.
You are not alone in this dream of reality.
Yes! it is possible!
If not today, not tomorrow-one day!
The change will come! The change will occur!
Your reality will reveal!
Live not to dream, but live the dream,
To change from you to Me-with Me

Sai Darshan3.108
In the light of my vision,
I have come to show you the darkness,
In the world you live in,
To point out the futility of your entanglemetns
And your so-called "losses"
When the light of My vision dawns upon you ,
You will begin to lose sight of your ego.
My light so bright will eventually blind you,
From all evils that live within you today.
My vision must become your sight.
The light of these words must become your guide.
Your moments spent to comprehend them,
Will be your time spent with God.
This will be your road to reach Me one day.
Make these verses your best friends,
For they will encourage and talk to youy,
In times when no other will be by your side.
I bestow today My sight upon you,
Until you develop your own vision of Sai,
And will always be in this bliss of "Sai Darshan"

-By Seema Dewan